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I>y Nintendo ol America Inc”, 4820 150th Avenue NE, Redmond, 
Washington 98052, at Sll.00 in the USA (SI5.50 in Canada). 

1997 Nintendo ol America Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing that 
appears in the'GoldenEye Player's Guide may be printed in whole or 
in part without express written permission from Nintendo of 
America Inc., copyright owner. Nintendo is a registered trademark 
ol Nintendo ol America Inc. 1997 Nintendo/Rare. Game by Rare. 

1962, 1988, 1995 Dartjaci, LLC. & United Artists Corporation. All 
rights reserved. 1997 Eon Productions Ltd. & Mac B. Inc. 


BOND. JAMES BOND. Live the life of a spy as 007 tries to blindside 
GoldenEye, an electromagnetic jamming device that could render 
entire countries powerless. In an international covert operation that 
spans nine years, you must track the infamous Janus Syndicate and 
stop its elaborate and stealthy plans to use GoldenEye to threaten 
the security of the world. Spy as you might, you'll need some help 
from headquarters, so we're supplying you with the top secret maps 
and tips to sabotage GoldenEye and complete your mission. Trust no 
one but us, and don't let these classified documents fall into the 
wrong hands — they're for your eyes only, and they're your best bet 
for surviving the game. 



























KILLER TIMES '*?:• gs« . . . ! . 













Time catches up to everyone, even double-0 agent James Bond 
of Her Majesty's Secret Service. Nine years ago, during the height 
of the cold war between the West and the Soviet empire, Bond 
and a fellow operative penetrated a top secret chemical weapons 
plant in the northern district of Arkangelsk. Their mission, to 
destroy the weapons-making potential of the facility, met with a 
tragic end when 006 was seemingly captured and killed by the 
Soviet guards. Although Bond managed to escape and return to 
England, he had lost one of the few colleagues he trusted in his 
highly specialized and dangerous line of work. 

Today, the world has changed. The Soviet Union has splintered 
into many nations, and the Cold War has been replaced by a 
confusing realignment of old friends and enemies. The new head 
of MI6 thinks Bond is an outdated dinosaur whose only interests 
are fast cars, women, gambling and vodka martinis. She isn't sure 
that there is a place for Bond in the new world order. 

But the more things change, the more they stay the same. A new 
crime syndicate has emerged out of the ashes of the old Soviet 
order, and its plans are as twisted as those of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. from an 
earlier epoch in Bond's career. The key to the secret Russian 
GoldenEye satellite system has been stolen by former Soviet 
officers who now work for the mysterious Janus Syndicate. In 
stealing the GoldenEye key, Janus operatives destroyed a Russian 
satellite tracking facility and murdered all but two of the workers. 

Rumor has it that the brutal leader of Janus is a Lienz 
Cossack — a man whose parents were betrayed by the British 
government. His desire for revenge has burned for decades, but 
now, with the GoldenEye hanging silent and lethal in orbit above 
any target he chooses, Janus — named after the two-faced Roman 
god — seems to hold all the cards. Who is this man, and how can 
he be stopped? In a race against time and ghosts from out of his 
past, James Bond must track down Janus and save England from 
the ravages of GoldenEye. But even with two lives to live, 007 
may be running short of time. 

Just how glamorous and exciting is the life of a secret agent man? Get 
behind your controller and familiarize yourself with Bond's undercover 
maneuvers to find out. You'll be able to control the one-man army, and, 
by arming your controller with the Rumble Pak, you'll get shaken and 
stirred by every bullet you unload to save the free world. 


James Bond is a man on a mission, but he can reach his goal only if 
you've mastered the controls. Make Her Majesty's Secret Service proud 
by familiarizing yourself with all of 007's offensive, defensive and 
covert maneuvers. The secret agent can execute a number of moves 
including crouching, sniping, bomb planting, tank driving and karate 
chopping. Commander Bond's most important moves, however, are 
quick, dead-on aiming and bullet dodging by sidestepping or kneeling. 


Once you've mastered the controls and 
drummed up enough confidence, try the 
kamikaze-style "Run and Gun" technique. 
When you shoot and hit your enemies, they'll 
be briefly stunned and unable to retaliate. 
Take advantage of this downtime by charging 
them with your automatic guns firing— your 
chances of hitting them again will be much 
greater as you close in on them. However, if 
you take the time to aim after hitting them, 
your victims may have enough time to recover 
and return fire. 

Nintendo Player s Guide 


There are eight Controller configurations in the game: four 
configurations are for one Controller and the other four are 
for two Controllers. You won't see all eight options unless 
you have two Controllers plugged into your system. 

Two players can also use two Controllers in Live and Let 
Die Mode. 


Like the L Button, the R Button acti- 
vates your on-screen targeting. To 
aim, hold down either the L or R 
Button while you use your Control 
Stick to move the crosshairs over 
your target. Once your target's in your 
sights, pull the Z Button to shoot. 


To kneel, tap the bot- 
tom C Button or push 
down on the Control 
Pad while holding the 
L or R Button. To aim 
while crouching, 
press and hold L or R 
and bottom C again. 

To stand back up, tap 
the L or R Button. 



To arm yourself with another weapon, press the A Button. Every time 
you press it, you'll equip another weapon from your inventory. You can 
keep tapping the A Button to go through every weapon in your arsenal 
or hold the A Button and tap the Z Button to scroll backwards. 


Hit the Z Button to use whichever 
weapon or gadget you're armed 
with. For automatic weapons, hold 
it down to keep firing, but pistols 
fire faster if you rapidly tap the 
Z Button. 


The Control Stick moves 007. 
Push up to walk forward and pull 
down to walk backward. To 
rotate in place, tap the Control 
Stick to the left or right. You can 
also use the Control Stick to 
steer the tank or position your 
weapons' crosshairs. 

It’s easy to overlook ammo on 
the ground or surveillance 
cameras mounted high above, 
so be sure to scan the ceilings 
and floors. To look up, tap the 
bottom C Button or press down 
on the Control Pad. To look 
down, tap the top C Button or 
press up on the Control Pad. 


The C Buttons function exactly like the Control 
Pad, so by pressing the left or right controls, you'll 
sidestep. If you hold down the sidestep buttons 
while using the Control Stick to move, you'll walk 
considerably faster than you would using the 
Control Stick alone. 


By hitting the B Button, you can 
activate nearby items. Use the B 
Button to open or close doors, 
flip switches, power computers, 
or board the tank. You can also 
use the B Button to manually 
reload your weapon before your 
magazine runs out of ammunition. 
You'll automatically reload when 
your magazine is empty. 


Nintendo Player s Guide 




Go Straight 

Turn to Wall 


N . T, 

Sidestep & Shoot 


If you turn using the Control 
Stick, you can't face what's 
around the bend until it’s too 
late. By sidestepping, you’ll 
already be aimed in the right 


To keep his missions covert, 007 must not let the loud sound 
of his gunshots attract any attention. Nearby guards know 
the sound of trouble and they will home in on James if they 
hear his weapon fire. Silence is golden, so use one of your 
silenced weapons when you're on the prowl. 


29 I 12 A 

To surprise the living daylights 
out of a foe, use a silenced 
weapon. You can silence the 
PP7 and D5K, while the sniper 
rifle always has a silencer. 


You may need to shoot enemies numerous times before they 
fall in defeat. Head shots cause the most damage, while body 
shots do slightly less damage, and arm or leg shots inflict the 
least damage. It's often hard to tell whether or not you've 
beaten an enemy since they can suffer agonizingly long 
demises. When your enemies drop their weapons, you'll 
know you've fired a lethal shot. 

Riddle your enemies with bul- 
lets so they won't have time to 
react. How quickly you beat 
them depends on where they 
get hit, so keep firing until they 
drop their weapons— that's 
your telltale sign of victory. 


Manually reload your weapon whenever possible to avoid hav- 
ing to do it in mid-battle. Defeated enemies will leave behind 
varying amounts of ammo. If you're a spy operating in the Agent 
Level, each of your victims will leave 20 rounds of ammo, while 
Secret Agents will find 15, and 00 Agents will find 10. 

Its usually safer to manu- 
ally reload your weapon, 
rather than waiting for 
your magazine to com- 
pletely run out of ammo. 
Before engaging in battle, 
hit the B Button so you'll 
start with a full magazine. 


Check your inventory if you get stuck in your mission. Q made 
sure not to pack any unnecessary gadgets, so if you have a 
Bomb Defuser, you can bet you'll be defusing a bomb. You may 
also pick up an item, such as a key card, without knowing it. 



4 ' •% 

- DATA c 

%w/ v j 

Agent 007 begins every mission with a small arsenal, while his countless 
enemies are more ably armed with their ballistic stockpiles of weapons. 
Resourceful as ever, Bond can swipe their weapons to use against his 
foes. Before setting out to save the world, take in some informal 
weapons training by spying over your arsenal's bullet points. 


Bond may be fighting against incredi- | 
ble odds, but with more than 20 unique 
weapons at his disposal, 007 should be 
able to outgun his enemies with fire- 
power. For a while, at least. Most 
ammo is limited in both numbers and 
its interchangeability with other 
weapons. Rifle ammo will work only in 
rifles, while pistol ammo and automat- 
ic weapon ammo are interchangeable 
(except where noted). 


» The KF7, sniper rifle and US AR33 

are particularly good for long- 
yl / range targeting. All three have 
zoom aim, allowing you to get a 
closer look at your target through your rifle 
sight. The sniper rifle also has a macro zoom 
feature (press the top C Button while pressing 
your aim button). Any weapon on this arsenal 
list with the crosshair icon features zoom aim. 


If you want to be the strong, silent 
type, arm one of the three silenced 
guns. If you have a PP7 or D5K with 
a silencer, or the always-silenced 
sniper rifle, you can mount an inaudible stealth 
attack. The pistol icon quietly points out which 
guns are in Bond's silenced arsenal. 

With its silencer capabili- 
ties and the highest rate of 
fire among the handguns, it's 
no wonder that the low- 
recoil PP7 is Bond's weapon 
of choice. 


MAGAZINE: 30 MAX: 400 



It may have more recoil than 
the US AR33 Assault Rifle, 
but the KF7 rifle is consider- 
ably easier to come across 
since most enemies use one. 


The sniper rifle is the most 
accurate of the zoom- 
capable guns, and its 
recoil will affect aim only 
when you fire repeatedly 
at a faraway target. 



The DD44 Dostovei has low 
recoil, but it's also very loud. 

\ lf you find two, you can fire 
both at once for two fistfuls 
of gunslinging. 


ZINE: 1 MAX: 10 
■ Once you have planted a 
^ remote mine, you can acti- 
\! vate it at a safe distance by 
I engaging the detonator on 
^ i your handy Q Watch. 


Toss a grenade to take out 
clusters of foes, but be 
careful that it doesn’t 
bounce back your way, 
because it will detonate in 
about three seconds. 

Nintendo Player s Guide 



Timed mines are set to 
explode several seconds 
after you plant them, so be 
sure that you have planned 
out an escape route before 
placing them. 




Scour the runway in 
Arkangelsk and the streets 
of St. Petersburg to find the 
tank. You can fire missiles or 
plow over enemies. 


MAGAZINE: 20 MAX: 800 

Of all the automatic 
weapons, the Klobb has the 
worst recoil. You can use 
two at once, however, 
to make up for its slug- 
50 gisli firepower. 



Use the grenade launcher to 
jettison grenades at long- 
range targets only; other- 
wise, the explosion from its 
unique ammunition may 
harm you. 

Take a stab at hurling knives 

You’ll have the plastic explo- 

at enemies. You can retrieve 

sives when you set off to 

and reuse a knife after 

blow up the Kirghizstani silo. 

. you've thrown it, but you can 

The charges have a six- 

\ carry up to only 10 of them. 

minute minimum 

\ » 

detonation time. 


MAGAZINE: 30 MAX: 800 

The stealthiest of the auto- 
matic weapons is the D5K 
Deutsche. By adding a 
silencer, you can muffle the 
D5K s low-recoil rapid 
firing blasts. 


MAGAZINE: 50 MAX: 800 

With the Phantom, a minimal 
recoil automatic weapon, 
you can double your firepow- 
er to 100 loaded rounds by 
shooting two of the guns 
at once. 



To get the auto shotgun, 
attack one of Janus's men in 
Statue Park. Only shotgun 
cartridges, which carry up 
to five shells, will work 
as ammo. 



Rockets will load only into 
the Rocket Launcher. Its 
blasts are devastating, so 
use it for long-distance 
fighting to avoid 
getting burned. 



Place the proximity mine in 
an area where you're 
expecting enemies to arrive. 
When the mine detects 
nearby movement, it 
will detonate. 



Aboard the train in St. 
Petersburg, you can fire your 
Watch Laser as a weapon, 
but you should save its 
charges to sear open the 
« escape hatch. 


: 32 MAX: 800 

For a rapid-fire, low-recoil 
blast, try firing theZMG 
9MM, or put your enemies in 
double jeopardy by arming 
yourself with two of them. 


MAGAZINE: 30 MAX: 400 

The US AR33 Assault Rifle 
has less recoil than the KF7 
and features the zoom aim 
so you can easily set your 
sights on a target in 
the distance. 


MAGAZINE: 80 MAX: 800 

To keep foes at bay, riddle 
them with the RC-P90. The 
quick-firing spitfire will 
spew out more bullets per 
second than any 
other automatic. 


Introduced in the film 
Moonraker, the space 
weapon has unlimited ammo 
and zero recoil. Search for it 
in the Aztec stage and on 
the Cheat Menu. 



In the Egyptian stage, you 
can be the man with the 
Golden Gun. One hit will take 
out a foe, but you can’t use 
its special ammo in 
other guns. 


When all else fails, try bare- 
knuckle fighting. Your silent 
karate chops are particular- 
ly handy when you're trying 
to escape the bunker cell. 

GoldenEye m 

The trademark of any Bond adventure is the collection of high-tech gad- 
gets. Q Branch has developed a diverse array of gizmos and spy toys to 
help 007 accomplish his missions for MI6. And along the way, Bond may 
even stumble upon a few other useful and unique devices. 


Gadgetry plays a large part in espionage, and 
007 definitely has his share of toys. At MI6's 
Q Branch, Q masterminds the development 
of the agency's high-tech weaponry and 
gizmo arsenal. If you thought a watch would 
never be able to detonate a mine or turn into 
an electromagnet, Q will prove you wrong, 
so you'll never say never again. From a 
bomb-defusing contraption to a credit-card- 
sized hacking device, you can bet Q will put 
it in Bond's big bag of tricks. 

Bridge bomb successfully defused. 

Q Branch not only 
arms James with the 
latest high-tech 
toys, but it also gives 
him tips on accom- 
plishing his mission. 



The ever-industrious Q has outfitted 007 
with the stylish, yet practical, Q Watch 
V2.01 Beta that keeps track of more than just 
time. To check your multipurpose wrist- 
watch, wait until you're safe from enemy 
fire, then hit the Start Button. The watch face 
will display both the condition of your health 
and body armor. You can also consult your 
watch to review your mission briefings and 
objectives, as well as view holographic 
images of every item in your inventory. 

:: ) 

Consult your watch to review your armor, inventory and 
state of health. You can also use it to vary the game’s 
default settings or rearrange your controller to any of 
the eight preset configurations. The watch also shows 
mission briefings and whether or not your objectives 
are complete. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


To reach the chemical 
weapons facility, you'll have 
to leap off the Byelomorye 
Dam. With great foresight, Q 
has equipped James with a 
bungee rope. The item won't 
appear in your inventory, but 
don't worry— 007 will auto- 
matically use it when he 
takes the plunge. 


Not every door opens with a 
key card, so James will have 
to locate the Door Decoder 
to enter the bottling room in 
the dam's facility. Double 
agent Doak, working under- 
cover as a scientist, has the 
device, so you’ll have to 
track him down to complete 
your mission. 



Bond needs to defuse the 
bombs hidden in the frigate's 
bridge and engine room. 
Thanks to Q's Bomb Defuser, 
gone are the days of pliers 
and wire cutters. Attach the 
Defuser to a bomb, and, at 
the push of a button, it will 
automatically turn the 
explosive into a dud. 

When you place explosives, 
you’ll want to be as far away 
as possible when they go 
off, so Q added a Detonator 
feature to the always-useful 
Q Watch. Once you've plant- 
ed your remote mines in the 
dam's bottling room, head to 
high ground, then activate 
your Detonator. 




Inside the observatory in 
Severnaya you'll find the 
infamous GoldenEye Key. 
Once you get it, you can run 
it through the Key Analyzer. 
Q's invention, which is clev- 
erly disguised as an attache 
case, will decipher the 
GoldenEye data then create 
a copy of the key. 

Covert modem installed. 


The Janus Syndicate can 
run, but it can't hide. MI6 can 
monitor the whereabouts of 
Q's Tracker Bug no matter 
where it goes. Janus des- 
perately wants the Pirate 
stealth helicopter, so plant 
the bug on it— it should lead 
o you straight to the syndi- 
cate's leader. 


MI6 needs to monitor the 
computer operations at the 
dam, so Q has created a 
miniature covert modem. 
When connected to the 
dam’s satellite link, the 
modem will siphon any of the 
facility’s data and transfer 
the information to MI6 head- 
quarters back in England. 

WOK % 

*aer jmi : 




MI6 is curious about the 
suspicious computer opera- 
tions going on at the bunker 
in Severnaya. Bond isn't 
much of a hacker, but the 
Datathief is. After access- 
ing the main computer, 
attach the Datathief to 
decode and download all the 
necessary information. 



Only a master spy can infil- 
trate the Janus syndicate's 
bases of operation, so you'll 
have to bring back photos of 
your trip to show headquar- 
ters. Since seeing is believ- 
ing, MI6 has issued 007 a 
Microcamera and will 
request that he photograph 
some key items. 

James Bond has quite a mag- 
netic personality, but it's no 
match for Q's Watch Magnet. 
By activating the Watch 
Magnet feature of the Q 
Watch, you'll be able to 
attract small metallic 
objects that may be hard to 
reach— like cell keys through 
prison bars, perhaps. 



DATA ~~ 

} - — ■ 

V' I ' V 

Welcome to the world of international intrigue where today's friend 
becomes tomorrow's foe. Even James Bond, with years of experience, 
has trouble keeping up with the shifting alliances. You can be sure of one 
thing only: the spy who loved you may also have a license to kill. 

The head of 
MIG can't 
afford senti- 
ment when 
it comes to her agents. 

Bond is a valuable but dan- 
gerous pawn whose loyalty 
to the service never sways. Instead of control- 
ling him, she sets him loose and hopes for 
the best. 

Some of the best 
M J ) scientific and engi- 

neering minds in 
" Great Britain work 

for Q, devising elegant, but often 
lethal, devices to be used by field 
operatives. Just once, Q would 

like Bond to return a device intact. 

Moneypenny's long flirta- 
tion with James may just 
be a cover for her con- 
cern, both professional 
and personal. 


007 r 

Commander James Bond 
was born of a Scottish 
father and a Swiss moth- 
er. When he was eleven 
years of age, both his par- 
ents were killed in a 
climbing accident in the 
Alps. After studying at 
Eton, Bond joined MI6 
and moved up through 
the ranks to his current 
position, agent 007, with 
a license to kill. Briefly 
married in 1962, Bond's 
lifetime loyalty has been 
to queen and country. 



Alec Trevelyan, agent 006, worked side by side with 
Bond over the years. The two agents were brought 
together by the circumstances of their occupation 
as well as their family histories. Both lost their par- 
ents at early ages. During a mission to destroy a 
chemical weapons plant in the U.S.S.R., 006 was 
apparently lost in an explosion set by 007. 


In the old days of the Cold War, Zukovsky worked 
for the KGB. Over the years he had several ill- 
fated encounters with Bond, one of them result- 
ing in a permanent limp. Now, Zukovsky operates 
an arms business out of St. Petersburg, and he is 
willing to sell information, even to Bond. 

m ¥ 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


A programmer at the Space Command 
Center at Severnaya, Natalya is 
thrown into a desperate race to stop 
Janus from using the GoldenEye 
satellite. Her computer expertise and 
Bond's covert skills prove to be an 
effective combination. Like many cou- 
ples who meet under intense circum- 
stances, the relationship between 
Bond and Natalya is a 
heated one. 



This Russian Politburo mem- 
ber hopes to discover who 
was behind the destruction of 
the Space Command facility at 
Severnaya. He suspects 
Ourumov but needs proof that 
only Natalya and Bond can 
deliver. He is an unlikely ally in 
Bonds mission. 




Grishenko is a brilliant Russian 
computer programmer at the 
Severnaya base who secretly 
works for the Janus 
Syndicate. Boris alone knows 
the secret codes and proto- 
cols for operating the 
GoldenEye satellite to make 
Janus's dream of revenge 
become a dark reality. 
Although he looks like a harm- 
less computer hacker, Boris 
may be the most dangerous 
man in the world. 

Formerly the head of the 
Soviet Space Weapons 
Division and currently a mem- 
ber of the Russian Politburo, 
General Ourumov is playing a 
dangerous game of treachery. 
Now that he has delivered the 
GoldenEye satellite into the 
hands of Janus, Ourumov will 
be a hunted man in Russia— if 
anyone discovers that he was 
responsible. He intends to see 
that no one does. 



Beautiful and sadistic, Xenia Onatopp once flew 
fighters for the Soviet airforce. Now she gets her 
thrills by squeezing the life from her lovers, who will- 
ingly misinterpret it when she says, "I only have 
thighs for you." Xenia's bold theft of the experimental 
Pirate helicopter from the frigate La Fayette made 
possible the entire GoldenEye scheme. She may be 
the most dangerous Janus operative. 

^ % ) 




The Janus Syndicate operates 
around the world at the command 
of one man who is also known as 
Janus. No one knows his true 
identity, but it is rumored that he 
is a Lienz Cossack and a Russian 
traitor. The Syndicate employs 
double agents in high government 
positions and other people 
required to execute their nefari- 
ous schemes. 




The operatives at Nintendo have compiled briefings for on each mission. 
These classified files have been designed to give you all the information 
needed to complete the three agent levels. It is recommended that you 
familiarize yourself with the types of intelligence provided. 



® provides tips and 
/ ^ advice for the use of 

/ / specialized devices 
and weapons provided 
by Q Branch for use in 
the field. Although much of what he 
tells you may seem immaterial, it is 
recommended that you pay close 
attention. Q Branch, perhaps unre- 
alistically . expects all items to b e 
returned in perfect working order 

At the begin- 
ning of each 
mission stage, 
M gives you a 
briefing to fill 
you in on mission objectives 
and background. It is vital 
that you understand what is 
expected of you in the field. 
The failure to complete any 
mission objective will lead 
to failure of the mission 

Each mission objective has been listed 
under the skill level where you first 
encounter it. For example, at Agent level 
in the Dam stage, the first and only mis- 
sion objective is to "Bungee jump from 
the platform." Although it appears on 
red, the Bungee mission objective is 
required to c omplet e Secre t Agent a nd 
00 Agent levels as well. The mission 


objective numbers correspond to the 


numbered tips and tactics that appear 

elsewhere in the file pages. 



Although some of the objec- 
tives don't change on higher 
agent levels, they may be 
harder to carry out since ene- 
mies get smarter and more 
numerous at Secret Agent 
and 00 Agent levels. Look to 
these numbered entries to 
find out how to complete the 
specific objective at each 
agent level. 

Look to these blocks of 
information for tips on hoL 
to defeat enemies, find 
items and make your way 
through specific areas of 
each stage or part of a 


In these areas, you'll find 
information on key points that 
aren't covered under mission 
objectives or stage tips. 
Sometimes you'll find a listing 
of several key points, and in 
other cases you may find 
more detailed information 
about one key point. 

These tips are for specific 
areas of a stage. The arrows 
point to the spots where you 
use the tips. Tips may be 
about enemies, items, traps, 
or any important points. 



Enemies are shown as red dots on the 
maps. Most of them are on patrol so 
they may not appear exactly where 
their dots are on the map. You should 
find them in the general area. 

Items and special 
weapons have been called 
out on the map where you 
can find them. If an item 
such as Body Armor 
appears in the game at a 
particular point, then an 
arrow indicates the exact 
location on the map. If an 
item is taken from a 
defeated enemy, then the 
call-out line connects to 
the dot that indicates the 
particular enemy that car- 
ries that item or weapon. 


Door or Gate 


Drone Gun 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

Body Armor 

Agent & 
Secret Agent 

Body Armor 

All levels 

The following files are cleared for your eyes only. Inside, you’ll find 
classified documents and information collected fey operatives 
around the world to help in your current mission. You will find 
detailed maps of critical mission arenas, briefings from your supe- 
riors regarding mission objectives, data on the latest devices, and 
up-to-date intelligence on enemy tactics. Use these files wisely. 

Good, luck— M 


Mission. Files 


. i ! 

Arkangelsk ^ 

/,* l 'V 

' / / I I I V ' ' 

~w' V: ! 


A remote, mountainous region of the Soviet Union holds a deadly secret- 
a chemical warfare facility. Access to the complex is through a dam and 
requires a risky bungee dive from the middle of the span. Before you reach 
the jumping-off point, you'll encounter alarm systems and armed guards 
on patrol. A lone agent should be able to find enough cover to stay alive. 


The nerve gas from the secret 
facility at Byelomorye dam 
has turned up in the hands of 
hostile regimes and terror- 
ists. The facility is well- 
defended, hut one or two 
agents might get inside. 

Q suggests that you use a 
bungee rope to jump down 
the face of the dam to reach 
the facility. Your secondary 
objective is to tap into their 
communications link with a 
covert modem and return 
with a backup of their data 
Inside the facility you’ll meet 
with an operative, then link 
up with 006 and destroy the 
chemicals. Do try to be on 
time, 007. 

Dam Security Area 

The pill box in the second area 
outside the dam contains two 
sharpshooters. While still inside 
the tunnel, use the sniper rifle to 
pick them off from a distance. 

Security gates sepa- 
rate the two staging 
areas outside the dam 
complex. The doors 
are activated by pan- 
els set to the right. 
Follow the truck into 
the next area. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

§L Neutralize All Alarms 

► _ _ 

2 Install Covert Modem 

3 Intercept Data Backup (Page 21) 

4 Bungee Jump from the Platform (Page 20) 


Alarms are located in the guard house outside the dam and in the guard 
towers on the dam itself. If you fail to destroy each of these alarms, someone 
will alert security and your mission will be doomed to failure. Shoot the 
alarms to silence them. In the case of the guard house shown on the map below, you 
must make sure that you destroy the alarm before a guard reaches it. 

Take It Easy, 007 

On Agent level, you'll find Body Armor 
on the top floor of the second guard 
tower, just beyond the tunnel. But don't 
expect to find this helpful item when 
you're going through the dam as a Secret 
Agent or 00 Agent. Even with the Body 
Armor, you're not invincible. 

Destroy the alarms by 
shooting the red bell. Use 
the crosshair to aim at 
the alarm and reduce 
wasted shots. 


H In order to intercept communications from the 
» ■ facility, you must install the covert modem. 

W m. Select the modem from your inventory, aim at I 
the communications panel on the outside of the guard 
house, and. use the Z Button to attach the modem. 

When you don't have the key I 
to a lock, sometimes you can | 
open it with a well-placed 
round from your gun. Don't 
worry about making noise. 


Take the Plunge 

By far the toughest part of this 
assignment on QO Agent level is the 
interior of the-: dam as you work 
your way. toward the secret ops 
room. In^he narrow cdrridor, you 
are an easy target for the sharp- 
shooting g'fiards. The beiji: strategy 
is to takeiadvanta'ge of angled areas 
where you ' can sidestep into the 
corridor, pop off a, few shots, then 
step back to safety. 

Top of the Dam 


Body Armor 

□ bungee jump from the platform 

Surprisingly, the actual jump off the dam is easy. You simply step onto the platform 
and move to the open edge. Getting there is tougher. Each of the towers along the 
dam holds an armed guard. Use the sniper rifle to take them out at a distance. 
On 00 Agent level, you'll have to go to the ops room before returning to the top of 
the dam to jump. 

After removing the guard from his 
post, enter the door at the base 
of the guard tower to find the 
alarm inside. You'll find it mounted 
on the wall. Save your rifle ammo 
for the corridor below. 

Inside the Dam 


Use the sniper rifle to pick off the guard 
in the first tower. Since the guards 
won't see you until you're close by, you 
can close in until you have an excellent 
view through the zoom lens. 

At the 00 Agent level, the 21 guards 
inside the dam won't take long to 
notice you and start shooting. Use 
the sidestep move to stay in cover 
as often as possible, but don't 
crouch behind the wooden boxes. If 
you use stairway A, be prepared to 
meet guards from both directions. 


Nintendo Player's Guide 

Weapons Underground 

Your choice of weapon in the crowded corridor of the 
dam's interior may make or break this mission. You'll get 
the greatest advantage from the sniper rifle. Not only can 
you zoom in, hitting your targets before they even know 
you're there, but the bullets have effective penetration. 
When you reach the ops room, switch to the KF7 for all 
of the close range work. 


■K Intercepting the data in the secret ops room in the dam is simply a 
m ■ matter of reaching the mainframe computer and waiting about seven 
] % seconds for the data to download. Cleaning put the guards along the 
way isn't quite so easy. Make sure that you pick up every piece of ammo 
along the way. You'll need all the rounds you can get. 


Try to pay attention. 007. 
The covert modem attaches 
to the communications 
panel outside the guard- 
house before you reach the 
dam. But to download the 
backup data, you’ll have to 
go inside the dam to the 
secret ops room and acti- 
vate the backup sequence. 
The modem must be placed 
on the panel not bn the 
wall or anywhere else. Try 
not to muck it up. 

The guards in the corridor often wait behind angles in 
the walls. When you see a slight bend or a widening of 
the corridor ahead, turn sideways and use the left or 
right C Button to sidestep. In this way, you'll pop out 
facing the enemy and be able to blast them before 
they can respond. 



Part 2 


^ Arkangelsk . ^ 


V * | * O 

The chemical weapons plant is one of the deadliest spots on earth. Not 
only does the facility store lethal gases, it is also guarded by a crack squad 
of soldiers with orders to shoot intruders on sight. To make things even 
worse, many areas of the facility are sealed off and locked by security sys- 
tems. In some areas, you'll have to watch out for tanks of poisonous gas. 


This is the critical part of the 
mission. 007. Once you’re 
inside the chemical weapon 
facility you’ll have to make 
your way to the bottling room 
where the storage tanks of 
lethal gas are kept. We have 
had an operative in position 
in the plant for several 
months— a Dr. Doak You may 
be able to receive a door 
decoder from him if you find 
him in the lab area If you can, 
try to prevent injury to the 
scientists and technicians. In 
any event, you are to rendez- 
vous with 006 to complete the 
mission He should be in posi- 
tion by the time you arrive. 

Unlocking the Way 

the luxury of the 
attack dur- 
in. Instead, 
iced PP7 to 
to get 
rity room, 
e main lab 
second secu- 
d up to the sec- 
ond floor lab and from there go to the 
bottling room. 

Ceiling Air Vent Shaft 







The hidden guards in the stalls could 
relieve you of your life. They won't 
start shooting until you open the door 
or make a racket. Use the silenced PP7. 
You can eliminate one guard while 
you're still in the air vent. 

After leaving the restroom, you'll run 
into two guards on patrol at the bot- 
tom of the stairs. While still on the 
second floor, you can crouch and shoot 
the guards as they walk below you. If 
you go downstairs to meet them, you 
could be caught in a cross fire. You may 
find another guard behind you when 
you exit the restroom. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Gain Entry to the Laboratory Area (Page 24) 

3 Contact the Double Agent 

3 Rendezvous with 006 (Page 25) 

4 Destroy the Tanks in the Bottling Room (Page 25) 

5 Minimize Scientist Casualties (Page 24) 



After dispatching all the patrolling guards, lure the three 
sentries in the security room outside so you don't inad- 
vertently blow up the computer console that operates 
the security door. Use the KF7 to finish them off quickly. 
Don't worry about the noise. 

linn p 

□ contact the double agent 

In Secret Agent and 00 Agent level missions, you must meet up with Dr. 
Doak, either in the second floor lab area or in the room indicated on the 
map here. Doak is the only scientist who I 
will talk to you. Once you find him, he'll 
hand over the Door Decoder, a device I 
that will unlock the bottling room door. 

■ Key Card B 
This guard carries the Key Card 
that unlocks the door across 
the hall from the stairway. 

Body Armor 

Pick up this Body Armor in the 
Agent and Secret Agent levels. 
You may need it in the locker 
room just ahead, or when trying 
to get into the security room 
before the labs. It doesn't 
appear in the 00 Agent level. 


Key Card A 

After defeating the guards in the hall- 
way, you must face four guards inside 
the security room. Draw them out of 
the room by giving them a brief glimpse 
of you, then back off into the hallway 
and turn the corner. From there, you 
can pick them off one by one when 
they come into view. 

H This console operates the 
security door leading to the 
Barrel Room. 

Barrel Room 


a • Once you pass the door into the lab area, you'll complete 
■* the first mission objective. The most difficult part is getting 
into the security room to trigger the door. It is filled with guards, and 
on the 00 Agent level, the guards don't miss. The caption above 
explains the best strategy for clearing the room. Once it's clear, head 
to the left console to open the door to the labs. 

If you go in the Barrel Room, 
you'll find white barrels full of 
chemicals and guards on the 
upper platforms. Don't shoot 
the barrels or you'll be trapped! 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


mk Alec Trevelyan, agent 006, has arrived in the bottling room ahead 
m\ of you. Go about your business setting the remote mines on the 
m % tall tanks, but be sure to talk to 006 before detonating the mines. 
By talking to Trevelyan, you fulfill the third mission objective. 



m » One mine must blow up at least two tanks. Place each mine on a tank so that ■ 
it faces the tank in the other row. You can also use just three mines, placing a I 
mine at each intersection of four tanks. Use your gun if you run out of mines. 

Labs and Bottling Room 

Trevelyan: Half of everything is luck 






ffl 3 







The third objective in the Secret Agent level is to i 
take out the missile battery. You can do this using 
f .. . the tank or the timed mines. The tank is your best 
bet. Aim a bit low, at the roof of the missile tower, rather 
than at the battery itself. 


M This objective ends mission one, no matter which 
t\ game level you are playing. When you reach the 
§ % plane, go up to the door and push the B Button. 

You'll climb in automatically and fly away. 


I won’t lie to you— getting 
out of the chemical weapon 
complex could be dicey. Our 
intelligence indicates that 
a single engine plane is 
always kept on hand but 
that the ignition key is kept 
under guard in a bunker at 
the end of the airstrip. 
Recent satellite photos have 
revealed a Soviet tank 
parked near the loading 
dock. Use it to destroy the 
three gun emplacements 
and the missile battery so 
you don’t get shot down. If 
you manage that, you should 
be able to make one of your 
typically death-defying 
escapes and be back in 
London in time for tea. 

^ Arkangelsk l 

V- — ■■ 

V- I * V 

y ' I I I I ' X v 

Only one escape route from the chemical warfare facility offers any hope 
for success: the runway. But even this utilitarian airfield is being heavily 
defended. In addition to armed guards on patrol, you'll face a rain of fire 
from three gun emplacements and a missile battery. Fortunately, you'll find 
plenty of ordnance to help you fight back, like a well-armed Soviet tank. 

Preflight Check 

Drive the tank on the right side of the runway and hit the guard, then angle to the left 
and target the guards on that side, /p you approach the first gun emplacement, switch 
to the tank's main gun. Pivot and blast the missile battery, then head down the left side 
to take out the two remaining guns. -,p 


Outside the facility, to the left, is the bunker con- i 
taining the plane key. Grab the grenades outside the 
bunker, go inside, and lob a grenade into the alcove 
containing the guards. The plane key, slightly singed, will be 
yours for the taking. 

□ destroy the heavy gun 


One well-aimed shell from the tank's 
main gun will destroy a gun emplace- 
ment. Stay on the left side of the runway so that 
just one gun can be aimed at you and blast the 
guns on the left side as you approach them. Finally, 
pivot and shell the final gun position. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Find the Plane Ignition Key 
3 Destroy the Heavy Gun Emplacements 

3 Destroy the Missile Battery 

4 Escape in the Plane 


Service Runway 

Don't stand around by the 
plane. If enemy fire hits 
the plane several times, it 
will blow up just like 
crates or other objects in 
the game. Keep moving. 

You can use your own weapons, like the KF7, or the gun turret on the 
tank. When you first drive on the tarmac, use the sights on the KF7 
to drop the guards, then switch to the tank gun in order to 
destroy the emplacements. Minimize the angle of fire from 
the heavy guns by staying on the left side of the runway 
while pivoting to shoot the missile battery and single gun 
emplacement on the right side. 

■ Grenades 




~ Th‘e -abandoned observatory is more active than ever. Troops patrol the sur- 
face, while programmers work below. -The plans tajbe underground bunker 
are hidden in a safe in one of the cabins, but the slffe key is locked away 
elsewhere. And if findiftglhe keys weren't enough of a problem, there are 
snipers who'll see that you make it only six feet under the surface. 

Secret Agent 

Put Them on Ice 

The cabins are perfect places 
to hide from bullets. You can 
also lure troopers inside to 
meet their doom, or you can 
fight from the doorway, side- 
stepping behind the cabin 
walls for safety. The buildings 
also house enemies, so try 
launching a grenade into a full 
house to wipe it out. 


Your preference may not he 
“on the rocks,” hut, never- 
theless, I’m sending you to 
icy Siberia to investigate 
the old observatory. Our spy 
satellite indicates a suspi- 
ciously high amount of 
activity going on at the 
snowbound complex. And 
speaking of the cold, it 
seems that General 
Ourumov is now the head of 
the Soviet space weapons 
division. None of this info 
sits too well with us, 007. 
Ourumov’s probably operat- 
ing in the underground 
bunker, So find the build- 
ing’s plans and power down 
the satellite dish to sever 
the bunker’s communica- 
tion from the rest of Russia. 

Licensed to Snipe 

Though the enemies are few and far between, they can do plenty of damage before 
you even catch sight of them. Armed with’ sniper rifles, they can target you far across 
the tundra. Fight fire with fire by keeping your sniper rifle handy. There aren't many 
places where you can seek shelter from potshots while on the surface, so be aware of 
your surroundings and frequently survey the area through your sniperscope. 

From the main walkway, peer over the 
snowbank and take aim at the oil drums in 
front of the cabin. If you blast them, they'll 
ignite an explosion that will take out both 
guards stationed at the entrance. 

Hut Door Key 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Power Down the Communications Dish (Page 30 ) 

2 Obtain the Safe Key 

3 Steal the Building Plans (Page 3i) 

4 Enter the Base Via the Ventilation Tower (Page 30 ) 

For a view to a kill, climb the watchtower and arm your 
sniper rifle, then aim toward the main road until you spy 
the unsuspecting guard who patrols the walkway. Fire 
carefully, because if you miss, he'll come running your 
way with reinforcements. 


- Safe Key 


To explore the bunker for Part 2 of your mission, 
you must first steal the building plans, which are 
locked in a safe. The key to the safe is locked inside 
the hut, and two soldiers guard the hut door key. Rather 
than walking into their cabin straight into danger, fire at 
them through the windows. 


You can get a good glimpse of the surface from the top of the 
old observatory, but don't stay too long-snipers can easily 
spot you when you're perched atop the tower. The troopers 
can also easily trap you there, since there's only one staircase. 



® u 
CD a 

W •» 


Heads Up 

If you'd rather speed through the mission than hunt 
down all of the snipers, idon't bother venturing to 
the helipad or the pair of cabin&aMhe bottom of 
the map, sinc,e. neither place ' is crucial to getting 
into the bunker, just be siite to keep an eye out for 
soldiers, because they m%y catch you off guard 
while you're busy with your objectives. 

If you try to open the bunker door by the helipad, your 
attempt will alert an endless mob of the observatory's 
special military forces. Besides, guests should never walk 
through the front door uninvited, so mind your p's and Q's 
advice— enter the bunker through the ventilation tower. 



■ * Your covert operation won't be so covert if the troops can use their communications 
M *■ dish to warn others of MI6 activity. Sever their links to the outside by entering the 
tower and following the stairs to the second door — inside you'll find the mainframe, which 
you can power down by hitting the B Button. Do not destroy the computer. 

□ enter base via 


Infiltrate the bunker through the ventilation tower 
rather than trying to go in through the door by the 
helipad. The entrance grate to the ducts is on 
top of the tower, but padlocks secure it in 
place. One hit from your KF7 can blow out a 
lock — just be sure to be on the lookout for 
snipers since the four padlocks may keep you 
distracted for a while. 


L ! 

No gadgets, just your PP7 and a sniper rifle for you this time, 007. 
And that doesn’t mean that bullets will solve all your problems. If 
you shoot the computer in the communications tower, it will auto- 
matically engage its emergency power, and you won’t be able to shut 
it off. So try to be a little less than your usual trigger-happy self, 007. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 



Something’s amiss at the old 
observatory in Severnaya. 
Skilled personnel have relo- 
cated to the facility, large 
shipments of computer 
hardware have arrived 
there, and the area has 
recently been excavated— all 
quite peculiar for an outdat- 
ed bunker in the middle of 
Siberia, wouldn’t you say, 
007? Clear up this matter 
for us by penetrating the 
installation. I realize you 
fancy yourself as debonair 
and photogenic, but try to 
avoid the cameras. If the 
surveillance equipment 
detects your presence, the 
entire secret mission will 
be jeopardized. 

Silence Is Golden 

Before entering the second half of the .bunker where the main video screen is, 
stick with using your trusty silenced PP7. If you use the KF7, you'll blow your 
cover and end up fighting more guards than you'd like to deal with at one time. 
To avoid getting attacked from behind,-, make your way to the top of the map 
before heading for Camera 2. 

Soldiers Galore 

If a guard triggers an alarm, or if you're spotted by 
j the surveillance cameras, the rush of attacking 
soldiers — like diamonds — will be forever. When 
you start your mission, you'll be facing a door. 
Once you open it, the guard on the left will try to 
trip the alarm in the room's back left corner while 
another guard will blast you. Put an end to them 
both by blowing up the computer. 

Secret Agent 

□ disrupt all surveillance 



J / 1 i As soon as the surveillance cameras catch you, endless troops of soldiers will 
zero in on you. To remain inconspicuous, use your silenced PP7 to shoot out 
the cameras. For Camera 1, shoot from the window of the first room's door. Blast 
Camera 2 from around the corner of the hall. Crouch by the door across from the com- 
puter room and shoot through the window to take out Camera 3. For Camera 4, fire 
at it before ascending the stairs. 

Shoot out all cameras, but avoid step- 
ping in front of them or a battalion of 
infinite soldiers will close in on you. 

-- -• V/ 


2 1 

^ Severnaya ^ 

V — -■ c 

V ' I *v 

Folir-eafneras keep watch over the old bunker in Severnaya. A single mis-" 
step in front of one will send infinite troops headed your way. Plan your 
moves accordingly to shoot out the" cameras beforefhey spy you, but 
avoid going on a shooting spree. The mainframe inside the computer room 
must remain intact or you'll be unable to downiotreOTrPaata. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Disrupt All Surveillance Equipment 

2 Copy the GoldenEye Key, Leave the Original (Page 34) 

3 Get Personnel to Activate the Computer (Page 35) 

4 Download Data from the Computer 

5 Photograph the Main Video Screen (Page 35) 

Camera 1- 




Jr » The computer room where the bunker's mainframe sits is 
" *• closely guarded by three soldiers. The computer contains cru- 
cial data needed by MI6, so try not to let any stray bullets destroy the 
terminal. If you stand at the door, you should be able to shoot at least 
two guards through its window. With the room secured, you can safe- 
ly lead Boris Grishenko inside, where he can hack into the system. 
Once he gains access, use Q's Datathief to download the information. 



One guard will attempt to set 
off the alarm, while the other 
will try to shoot you. If you're 
not much of a sharpshooter, 
aim for the computer— if you 
overload its circuits with your 
bullets, it will explode, taking 
out the guards and the alarm. 

-Body Armor 

a — 1 ^ Camera 2 

■ Camera 3 

Security Key Card 

Computer Room Key Card 

In espionage, stealth is the key, 
so avoid carelessly rushing into 
rooms or you'll walk into 
enemy fire. To enter the com- 
puter room, spy through the 
door's window to take aim at 
the guards. 



Body Armor - 

GoldenEye Key _ 

The Key to the Mission 

From the hall, peer through the doorway and shoot the 
soldier who stands or^ihe platform by the Camera 4. 
Quickly retreat back i nfo t he hall to take out the counterat- 
tacking soldiers who wffl close in in you. Once the coast is 
clear, shoot out the camfera y 4 hen pursue Boris before he 
heads for the exit. 

Camera 4 will spot you if you try 
to shoot it from atop its nearby 
staircase. Remain undetected 
by taking aim from across the 



( »|m 


• □ 




m m Fearing for his safety, computer programmer Boris leaves the 
■* *• GoldenEye Key behind at his workstation. You'll need the key, 
but only to make a copy of it. Grab it, then activate your Key Analyzer. 
Once it creates a duplicate, toss the original GoldenEye Key aside by 
hitting the Z Button. 



- Security Door 


Shoot out Camera 4 so troops won't 
flood in through the exit. Normally, 
two soldiers guard the Exit, which has 
an alarm to the left of the door. After 
blasting the camera, head to the exit 
and blow away the guards before they 
have a chance to trip the alarm to call 
for reinforcements. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 




m » The bunker's personnel have been tracking their operations on the 
main video screen where their GoldenEye activities are mapped out. 
MI6 needs to know of all the remote locations, so preserve the map on film 
with your Microcamera. When taking your snapshot, be sure you're standing 
far enough away so that you can get the entire screen in your picture. 



Before you can download the data from the 
computer, you must first get Boris to activate the 
computer. He's not as invincible as he thinks he is, so 
clear the bunker of soldiers or he may take a bullet in 
one of your gunfights. Once you've secured the area, 
confront Boris and make him lead you to the com- 
puter room. The weaselly programmer will try his 
best to elude you, but if you manage to reach the 
computer room with him, he'll access the bunker 
mainframe for you. Boris isn't to be trusted, however, 
and his log-in will alert a task force to your where- 
abouts. These men in black are highly-trained and 
strongly-armored sharpshooters, so arm a rapid-fire 
weapon immediately after downloading the data. 


rkuow you'ro not, much of a shuhturhug. 
007. bnl, I'vo given you a iyi inrobainor'a, to 
photograph the bunk or ’a main video 
sorhon. I trust that tjTobamora won't, bo 
too difficult to figure out- just point and 
shoot. It’s pot terribly different, front 
what .you're used to dot ng. T, also k now 
that you're not, used to hacking, so I’ve 
given you I, ho Datathiof. Simply attach 
it. tut. ho hvnfKor';: .mainframe- • if will 
automation,! ly decode arid download the 
necessary in format, ion. 

9* *- 

hhhi • ^ 


' - -v 


Keep your eye on Boris as he leads you to the 
computer room. If you turn your back, he'll try 
to elude you and escape through the exit. 










H V I 
n » f 





a * 


Protect Boris from gunfire until he activates 
the computer for you. If he gets shot, you won't 
be able to download data from the mainframe. 







Housed inside the- five-story missile complex are four fuel rooms where 
scientists monitoranct control their satellites' activities. Practice caution 
around the IrirjntiRtiQ tin urti as the armed guards — the labcoats will com- 
ply with you most of the time, but if they get caught in your cross fire or 
feel threatened to defend themselves, they may draw their guns on you. 


4th Floor 



While the Agent Level of operation 
plete their missions in under seven 
less than eight and a half minutes, 
ing any computers that may be nearby 

to oo 

constraints, Secret Agents must com- 
iutes, and 00 Agents must finish in 
efficiently take out soldiers by blast- 
don't hurt the scientists. 


MI6 has received reports of 
unscheduled test firings 
from the Kirghizstani mis- 
sile silo. Infiltrate the base, 
007, and find out what 
exactly is being launched. 
Intelligence reports lead us 
to believe that the recent 
activity may be a front to 
launch the GoldenEye 
weapons satellites into 
orbit. If our suspicions are 
correct, we need to have you 
bring us back a photo of the 
satellite and the DAT of its 
telemetric data. The silo 
poses a potential threat to 
international security, so 
sabotage the operation 
by stealing the control 
circuitry and destroying 
the complex. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

Time is of the essence, and 
one wrong turn can cost you 
the mission. Always turn 
right after exiting a fuel 
room. The only exception is 
the left turn you must make 
on the fifth floor. 




Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Plant Bombs in tbe Fuel Rooms (Page 391 

2 Photograph the Satellite (Page 39) r 

3 Obtain Telemetric Data (Page 38) 

4 Retrieve the Satellite Circuitry (Page 38) 

5 Minimize Scientist Casualties (Page 38) 

Soldiers are ready to greet you with gunfire, 
and your rifle will no doubt attract more 
troops. Catch them off guard by blasting the 
drums at the top of the stairs to send a chain 
reaction explosion barreling down the hall. 

□ CPU Circuit Board 

□ I/O Circuit Board 

0 RSP Circuit Board 

A Key Card will unlock the 
door to the next level of the 
high security silo. Only the sci- 
entists have access, so con- 
front them for their Key Cards. 

mission- 3 

Kirghiz stan 

FI Telemetry Data DAT 


The scientists have been monitoring the launches of their 
satellites and collecting the crucial telemetry data on 
to a DAT. If you 
approach the scientist 
stationed to the right of 
the entrance, he'll toss 
you the tape. 



To align the orbiting weapons satellites, the silo's 
control circuits must be installed. Personnel have 
left the various vital circuit boards lying around in the fuel 
rooms. Steal the circuits to render the satellites useless. Do 
it for England. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


MI6 is unsure of what the scientists have been launching from the missile 
silo. The agency suspects the silo is related to GoldenEye, so clear any 
doubts by snapping a photo of the satellite with your Microcamera. 

□ Satellite 

Body Armor 

© @ Q 

f Ijftjp 





!‘0f)4se (]()h’i.(liMy dally Onyi 
T'l)<: pluM.i'o <-:X()lo«iVO,‘l IVp 
given you arc tinied to do to 
natu in loss tlian eight amla 
Tiaif mi mjt.08. Plano a charge 
in each of the four ( no:) 
PooniH and l>n q ulekl Your 
automatically primed oxplo 
sivo.'i will bringdown the 
iio(ff.o. (,).u jtn literally 



Plant your plastic explosives wisely, because 
you're armed with only eight charges. The first 
four rooms of the complex each has a wall marked with 
a skull and crossbones. To destroy the missile silo, 
place your plastic explosives on these walls. 

General Ourumov and his troops are 
poised to blast you with bullets. If 
you're lucky enough to find a 
grenade, throw it down the hall 
once you open the door. Otherwise, 
wait by the door to blast the sol- 
diers as they enter. Ourumov will 
wait at the end of the hall and will 
flee from your fire as soon as he 
needs to reload. In his haste to 
escape, he may leave his briefcase. 

This hallway is the only place 
where you shouldn't turn right after 
exiting a fuel room. To keep you 
headed in the correct direction, the 
doorway to the right is marked with 
the "do not enter" symbol. 





SI * 




O h 




Janus operatives have 
taken control of the French 
navy frigate La Fayette and 
are attempting to steal the 
Pirate stealth helicopter. To 
complicate matters. Janus 
has taken six hostages and 
is threatening to blow up 
the ship if they are not 
allowed to leave safely. This 
is a golden opportunity to 
get a lead on Janus, so the 
French have agreed to let 
them take the aircraft. You 
are to infiltrate the ship, 
disarm the bombs, place a 
tracking bug on the heli- 
copter and free the hostages. 
I need not remind you that 
the safety of the hostages 
is paramount! 

Walk Softly, But Carry a Big Gun 

The exterior of the ship will be clear when you board, but the interior is crawling with 
armed Janus operatives. Your silence d ffD 5K shouldbe your weapon of choice. Though it 
has less stopping power than the Phantoms the criminals are packing, it is accurate and 
I less likely to draw attention. You don't Want to get caught in crossfire in a confined space. 

You'll begin and end the mission here. Head 
through the hatch marked "C” on the map. 
From there, you can either go forward to 
the bridge or back toward the communica- 
tions room. You can also go through hatch 
E toward the helicopter pad. 


While disarming the bridge bomb with your electronic defuser is a snap, get- 
ting to it without the hostage being shot can be dicey. Approach the bridge 
through the ship's interior. There are three enemies on the bridge, and the left 
hatch gives you the best line of sight on the one guarding the hostage. Take him out 
first. Once the hostage is free, use the defuser on the bomb. It's attached to the main 
console on the left side of the room. 

S ifiSt. 


x Tm 

§f n 

20 | 79 

Open the hatch but don't go in. The guards 
won't react at first, giving you time to aim 
and fire. If you walk in, the hostage will be 
shot almost immediately. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 







j \ I The bomb is on the engine control console on the upper catwalk. Come 
in through the hatch nearest the console. Take out the two guards on the 
catwalk and any others that come running. Defuse the bomb, then stand next to 
the console and dispatch the guard below who's holding the hostage. You can 
crouch and use the targeting cursor at the same time by holding both R and the 
bottom C Button. 


■E You must save five of the six hostages to succeed on 00 Agent level. The 

■ • trickiest saves are in the communication rooms on the bridge deck. It's 

§ % best to approach from hatch C or E. If you come from that side, you'll have 
a better view of the guards holding the hostages. Stay outside the first room until 
it's clear, then step in and pivot to the right to see the next guard and his hostage. 

Take a moment to aim, and be careful 
that you don't shoot a hostage 
yourself. Whether a hostage is shot 
by you or an enemy, it will be arr 
unacceptable loss. 


This Bomb Defuser is so simple to 
use, even you can operate it, 007. 
Simply activate the device within 
a few feet of the bombs. It will emit 
a localized electromagnetic pulse 
and disrupt the bombs’ primary 
and backup control systems, ren- 
dering them completely harmless. 
As for the Tracker, you only get 
the one, so do be careful how you 
handle the thing. 

Hear No Evil 

Be very conscious of sounds around you. If you hear 
the clank of a hatch br m dpn^f'See anyone, it may mean 
that a guard has spotted you anfcyjg's run to alert his 
comrades. If you're fight next 'to an area where a 
hostage is being held, there's a slim chance the 
hostage may be shot before you even enter the room. 

Nintendo Player s Guide 

“a® — i — 4 

Bridge Deck 


i i j 







There's a wall of pipes separating this stor- 
age room and the corridor that leads to and 
from the hangar. No matter which side you 
come from, you can shoot between the 
pipes to tag the guards on the opposite side. 
If you're in the corridor, beware of the guards 
at the bottom of stairway. 

Main Deck- Interior 



• • •*- 

§• • 





• • 

Lower Deck 

If you come in from the 
hangar, chances are you'll 
meet a lot of resistance at 
stairway. Stand at the top of 
the stairs and blast Janus's 
men as they scramble 
through the hatch below. 

If you shoot at this guard from 
the catwalk and miss, he'll run to 
you instead of shooting his cap- 
tive. If you confront him on the 
lower level and miss, he'll likely 
shoot the hostage before he tar- 
gets you. 


: --'vi 


* 5 *- 

^ Severnaya ^ 

x v 

V* I 'V 

Part 1 

The layout of the Severnaya complex is unchange^.i^LgH^he buildings 
are now equipped with remote cameras. A RussiaiyWiciai Forces team 
has already secured the area, so expect heavy resistance. The overcast sky 
will cut down on visibility, but you'll need to move rast, nevertKeless. 


The Pirate helicopter has 
been traced back to the 
Severnaya observatory com- 
plex. Our spy satellite 
detected a brief battle, and 
now the helicopter has dis- 
appeared completely. We 
must find out what busi- 
ness Janus had at Sever- 
naya and what he might 
have taken from the com- 
plex. In the meantime, the 
Russians have also respond- 
ed to the crisis by sending a 
strike force to the observa- 
tory. Take care not to be cap- 
tured, Bond. The Russian 
military will not respond to 
your “boyish charm” and 
will likely put the blame for 
this fiasco on a certain 
British secret agent! 

Stealth Op 

The watchwqrds for this oper- 
ation are speed, and stealth. 


, , also 

avoid confrontations that way. 
The Russians nave unlimited 
reinforcements, and if you 
stand and fight, it will be just a 
matter of time before you're 
worn down. 

The lookout towers are good places to 
take refuge if you're being surrounded, 
but don't linger in this area for long. Stay 
just long enough to collect some extra 
ammo and then move to the shack where 
the comm room key is located. 

Comm Room Key 
Security has been tightened, and the comm room 
in the observatory is now kept locked. An officer 
in this shack has the key. Follow the edge of the 
forest to avoid troops on the road. Stand back 
from the building and shoot the camera near the 
door before you charge in. If you don't, you'll 
probably be picked up when you open the door. 

Body Armor 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


Agent Secret Agent 

00 Agent 

1 Disrupt All Surveillance EquipmentflPSJfc and 47) 

2 Break the Communications 

Link to the Bunker (Page 46) N^Pljpi 

3 Disable Spetznaz Support Aircraft (Page 46) !■' 

4 Gain Entry to the Bunker (Page 47)^^gfl 


I'm afraid the silencer for your PP7 and 
the remote mine are all the support equip- 
ment you’ll receive for this mission.. 007. 
Just toss the mine onto the helicopter to 
activate the ten-second fuse. If you miss 
the target, the mine will deactivate. 


There are four surveillance cameras that must be 
destroyed. One is on the same shack that the comm 
room key is in, one is above the catwalk beneath the 
satellite dish (look up as you turn the corner to go 
toward the comm 
room) and two are 
on buildings at the 
southern end of the 
complex. Try to hit 
them from far away or 
approach them 
from behind. 

Hound MI-4 destroyed. 



Live on .the Edge 

After you retrieve the comm room key, head t’o'the observatory (security patrols will be heav- 
iest near there) and then to the shacks oi/the'sou^ieast perimeter. Hug the edge of the map 
whenever possible. You'll be safe from ambush, from one side, at least. 

□ break the communications 



m ■ On your last visit to Severnaya, you simply had 
to turn off the comm link. This time, you must 
destroy it. If you fiddle with the console at all, a 
technician will come on line and spot you. He'll 
alert the Special Forces, and you'll fail the mission. 

Communications link damaged. 


Shoot the screen and the two hard drives. 

You'll first receive a message saying that 
the link is damaged. Keep at it until you 
receive a message saying that the link is 
destroyed. Beware of guards at both doors! 


1 i This should be your second-to-last task. Without the helicopter, the 

Spetznaz won't be able to take any evidence away from the site. 
Plant the mine and then take shelter away from the blast. Be sure that you 
receive the message saying that the objective has been completed before 
you enter the bunker to end the mission. It sometimes takes a few seconds 
after the blast for the message to appear. 

If you think the ventilation tower is your 
ticket into the bunker, think again. After 
your last mission, security had the grate 
welded shut. Not even a mine or a 
grenade can blow it open now. You'll 
have to try something unorthodox, like 
using the front door. 

Expect trouble here for sure. A squad of 
crack Spetznaz troops is using this 
shack as a bunkhouse. Even if you don't 
set off the security alarms, they'll 
come pouring out at the slightest noise. 
Double Klobbs will help you deal with 
this threat, especially the blue-suited 
Special Forces officers. They’re wear- 
ing Body Armor and can take a lot more 
punishment than regular troops. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 



The surveillance camera in the observatory is the one most often 
missed. To avoid being seen around the easternmost shacks, 
approach the camera from the north and fire through the chain- 
link fence. To take out the camera at the bunkhouse, come 
around the north and west sides of the building. Even when the 
cameras are gone, security patrols will still track you. 











I* 5 





■■ As stated before, you should blow up the helicopter just before you enter 
■ m the bunker to end the mission. The covered entryway is actually a good 
-» «• place to take shelter while 
you wait for the mine to blow. It's far 
enough back to avoid the concussion 
from the explosion, and enemies must 
jump around to your front before they 
can fire at you. Be sure to clear out all 
enemies before you turn around to 
enter the bunker. You'll then be cap- 
tured automatically. 




■Part 2 


This situation is a disgrace, 
007— to you, to me and to 
MI6! I was actually "begin- 
ning to think you might he 
worth keeping on in the 
Service. As it is, you’ll he 
lucky to get out of 
Severnaya alive, much less 
remain in Her Majesty’s 
employ. If you do manage to 
escape, you must erase all 
record of your presence in 
Severnaya and bring hack 
any information available 
on GoldenEye. In addition, 
we still have not deter- 
mined who the “inside” 
operative at Severnaya is, 
so it is imperative you find 
the staff and casualty lists 
and bring any witnesses 
out with you. 


5 1 

■» ^ 

Severnaya ^ 

Most of the Bunker's security cameras are located^SB^e^a-jn (upper) 
level. The primary security force is large, but, norma p i m (s not unlimited. 
However, if you're picked up on the security cam^f' and the alarm 
sounds, unlimited reinforcements will be called in^Thes^rolue-s^ited sol- 
diers are much tougher than the usual troops, and they will fintfyou. 


The casualty list is usually found 
■ here, carried by one of the guards. If 
that particular guard moves, however, you 
must look for him. All the guards in the 
Bunker seem especially good at homing in on 
your current or last known location. 

Pace Yourself 

If you sign on as a Secret 
Agent or 00 Agent, charg- 
ing around will only get 
you an early funeral. 
Proceed slowly and look 
for places '-that afe easily 
defended, I ike' small rooms 
or amoves. If lots b>f guards 
are chasing you, retreat to 
one of those- places until 
things die down. You can 
also lure guards to those 
places and ambush them. 

Body Armor 

Novice agents will appreciate the 
Body Armor, but the room is heavi- 
ly defended. Keep moving and duck 
in and out of the alcoves to dodge 
enemy fire. Another strategy is to 
draw troops out of the room a lit- 
tle at a time. Stand in front of the 
door and fire through it or open and 
close it quickly, then retreat to a 
more defensible position. 



M wa The GoldenEye Manual is tucked 
away in this safe, but you'll need two 
keys to open it. You'll find Safe Key 1 in this 
room. The other key, Safe Key 2, is in the 
computer room on the main level. The guard 
at the back of the room, just opposite the 
door, usually carries it. Stand at the door and 
target him through the left-hand window. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


Agent Secret Agent 00 Age 

1 Compare Staff /Casualty Lists 

2 Recover the CCTV tape (Page 50) 

3 Disable All Security Cameras (Page 50) 

4 Recover the GoldenEye Operations Manual 

5 ■Rsna.-nft with l\Ta.t,a.1va. flli 

Silenced PP7 (2) 

Safe Key 1 



The door in front of this guard 
is kept locked, and he holds the 
only key, Key Card B. He’ll 
sometimes open the door to let 
other guards through, and you 
can ambush him then. You can 
also draw him out by making a 
disturbance or ambushing 
guards down the hall. 

Cell Key 2 

Use your Watch Magnet to grab Cell 
Key 2 and bring it to you. Stand right 
across from the key and activate the 
magnet. The guard won’t even notice. 





This camera points down the 
long hall. Go through the large 
room (where the casualty list 
is located) and blast the cam- 
era from the side, where it 
can’t see you. 

Cell Key 1 

Once you have the key, wait until the guard is close to your cell door before you 
open it. Chop him a few times to defeat him. If you crouch, he’ll have a harder 
time shooting you. You’ll receive from him Cell Key 1, which opens Natalya's cell. 


Battle Behind Bars 

Your cell is one place that's easily 
defended. The bars will protect 
you from most enemy guns 
(except the tflobb), but you can 
fire through the bars easily. On the 
main Idvel, b<Q careful of the auto- 
matic . th&east wing. Come 
up staiffcase A and head east. Edge 
around fhg. conpe^ 1 and take out 
the guns befofp they see you. 
Guards will hear the explosions 
and try to sneak up behind you. 


The CCTV tape is the only hard evidence that you were ever here, but you'll have to 
avoid the security cameras to get it. The camera near staircase D poses the biggest 
problem. If you come up staircase B, you might have trouble hitting the camera before 
it spots you, even if you use the scope-equipped 
KF7 rifle. The best bet might be to come up 
staircase A and approach the camera from the 
side. You'll be closer, and if you crouch, it will 
be harder for it to see you. 

Control Room 



/■ \\ Most of the security cameras 
" are on the main level (check 
the icons on the map). You can shoot 
the one in the computer room 
through the window in the door. To 
target the camera in the room across 
the hall, stand in the hall a step or two 
back from the door, crouch and look 
up. Once that camera is gone, enter 
the room and walk to the left to the 
next hallway. Open the door and take 
one step through. Look straight up. 


■ Once Natalya is free, she'll follow you wherever 
you go. Though the guards will often ignore her, 

M m she'll likely be caught in the cross fire. To avoid 
mishaps, don't release her until every other objective has 
been completed. Take her to the main control room near the 
exit. She'll discover that the GoldenEye is aimed directly at 
Severnaya! You'll then have one minute to escape. 


After Natalya discovers that Severnaya is about to be destroyed, 
most of the guards will ignore you and flee. If there are any near the 
exit, however, they may give you a hard time about leaving the party. 

Your standard- issue watch is equipped with a 

high-powered electromagnet. It fires a tightly 

focused magnetic beam with an effective range 

of up to several meters. It should be more than 

enough to attract a 

small metal object. 

such as a key. and 

bring it to you. As r , 

for attracting other y 

things, I'm sure you 

can manage that ^ 

well enough on ^ 

your own. • — — ■ — 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


You can shoot through the 
window in the door to destroy 
the camera. If you're having 
trouble, you can open the 
door, but shoot quickly before 
the camera spots you. 

Safe Key 2 
Even if you stir up a lot of 
trouble nearby, this guard 
tends to remain at his post. 
The Safe Key 2 he's carrying 
will open the safe located 
on the Prison Level. The safe 
contains theGoldenEye 
Operations Manual. 

If you step into full view, the automatic 
guns will target you easily. Edge around 
corners until just the barrel or part of the 
gun is visible. Use the targeting cursor to 
make sure your aim is true. 


I dislike dealing with rogues, 
but this fellow Valentin is 
the only lead we have. You 
might remember him from a 
few years back when he was 
with the KGB. More than a 
few of our operatives were 
ferreted out by Valentin. It’s 
rather ironic that we’re 
working with him instead of 
against him in the post-Cold 
War. But don’t think that our 
former enemy is working 
with us in the interests of 
world peace. I believe he’s a 
shrewd opportunist looking 
for a way to move in on his 
business competition, and he 
probably thinks you’re the 
best thing to come along 
since glasnost. 



Statue Park is St. 
Petersburg's grave- 
yard for^the Soviet 

merits. me par&.is a 
dangerous place "in 
the daylight andfonly 
the foolhardy and 
the fearless tread 
here at night. Keep 
the odds in your 
favor by moving 
along the cover of 
the broken marble. 


A former enemy of MI6, Valentin Zukovsky became a black market trader of 
arms and information when the original KGB dissolved with the Soviet 
Union. Zukovsky claims to know Janus, so M has arranged a meeting 
between 007 and Valentin in the hopes of find- 
ing the missing Pirate Helicopter. The only thing 
disturbing about the whole arrangement is that 
Janus seems to be just as eager to meet with 007 
as MI6 is to recover the helicopter. The whole 
thing smells like a trap. You must meet Valentin 
in the cargo container and hear him out. 

Valentin is waiting 
inside an orange 
cargo container near 
the middle of the 
park. Don't let the 
soldiers interrupt 
your meeting. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


cr co 


Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Contact Valentin 

2 Confront and Unmask Janus (Page 54) 

3 Locate the Pirate Helicopter (Page 54 ) 

4 Rescue Uatalya|Pagejg£) ... 

5 Find Flight Recorder (Page 55) 


The Janus Syndicate’s 
guards carry special 
automatic shotguns. 
While we have more 
powerful weapons in our 
Q arsenal, you might he 
hard pressed to find 
something with more 
stopping power in St 
Petersburg. See if you 
can bring one back. 

Take Cover 

After the meeting with Janus, 
Statue Park will be trans- 
formed into., a lethal land- 
scape filled vm thelite security 
teams. It ; mig|t be% walk in 
the park getting toLepjn's 
Statue,;: but you 5 !! Bave a 
tough tirpe maintaining the 
same composure on your 
way back out. “Take advan- 
tage of the extensive cover 
throughout the level and 
remember that time is of the 
essence — those Janus thugs 
won't dare show their faces 
at the park gates. 

Being arrested by 
Defense Minister Dimitri 
Mishkin as you're making 
your escape from Statue 
Park might sound like a 
grim fate, but this 
Russian official is your 
only hope for getting out 
of St. Petersburg alive. 
The confrontation is a 
tense standoff, so don't 
blow it by firing on 
Mishkin or his deputies. 
The Minister is known 
for his fair reputation. 
He's a far cry from the 
former Soviet officials in 
the Politburo, so there's 
a good chance he'll listen 
to your case. 



Valentin's arranged meeting with Janus is a sticky and tense situation. The cunning syndicate leader 
will call off the engagement if you're anything but empty-handed. He's also paranoid enough that he'll 
cancel the conference i 

if you attempt to walk toward 
him when he's talking to you. 
Keep your distance and hear 
Janus out. It's impossible to 
catch him, but you can use the 
Statue of Lenin as cover when 
he adjourns the meeting and 
orders his men to finish you off. 


M m Janus landed the Pirate helicopter back at Statue Park's 
main entrance prior to your meeting at the Statue of 
Lenin. This is the place where you started the stage. If you paid 
close attention to the landmarks on the way to the meeting with 
Janus, you won't have any problems retracing your route, unless 
you decide to take out the syndicate's operatives along the way. 
Remember that the enemies in this stage are endless — don't 
waste your time on them. 


Natalya is lying unconscious beside the Pirate 
Helicopter. Directly above her head is a proximity mine 
with a 1 5-second fuse. 

The mine will automatically 
activate no matter how you 
approach the helicopter, and 
you don't have a Bomb 
Defuser in your inventory. The 
only solution is to wake 
Natalya and persuade her to 
follow you away from the heli- 
copter before the proximity 
mine detonates. It's an easy 
task unless you procrastinate. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

Janus Hot Shots 

00 Agent 

The Janus troops will start pouring into the park after your meet- 
ing with their head honcho goes sour. Since the enemies in this 
stage are endless, your best strategy is to beat a hasty retreat 
back up to the helicopter and Natalya, but the shotgun toting 
Janus team will be waiting for you when you return to pick up 
the flight recorder. These foes I 
are wearing reinforced Body 
Armor. Try to steal one of | 
their automatic shotguns and 
turn their own weapons 
against them. 






00 . 

□ find the flight recorder 


II Built to survive the toughest crashes, the helicopter's 
flight data recorder will remain intact after Janus's 
• " explosives light up the night sky. The only problem is 
that the force of the explosion will throw the flight recorder 
down the hill and back into the park. No matter how many 
times you play, you'll never find the flight recorder in the 
same place twice, but the. game will warn you when you 
wander too far. 



MI88I01T 6 


6 I 

St. Petersburg ^ 

* I ' \ X " 


Bond and Natalya are being interned at the Military Archives. Mishkin 
demapds to know about the theft of the GoldenEye, but before 007 can 
explain the connection between General Ourumojj and the stolen satel- 
lite, ;ther ; eg fe ^k| tQ.<gki, |t the door. Tb^ General has orders fofi tli < execution 
: Boirtl and Nai^lf^effecti ve immediately. 


Nintendo Player's Guide 

Maze Madness 

Even if you've been through it a dozen times, the Military Archives can be a confus- 
ing labyrinth, especially in the smoke and confusion of battle. Until you have it mem- 
orized, find a dark corner and ambush your foes one at a time. 


m ■ You have several options for making your escape. The most practical is to 
* activate your Watch Magnet so you can grab your gun and ammo at the same 

moment and neutralize your interrogators, but the gunfire will draw other guards into 
the room. If you're quick enough, you can eliminate the interrogators with your bare 
hands before they can react. If you don't fire your gun, the guards in the hallway 
won't know you're loose until you have them in your sights. 

If you sprint across the hall- 
way from the interrogation 
room, you'll find boxes 
stacked in a supply room. 
Look for the Body Armor 
between two boxes. 

Archives 1st Floor 


First you were captured by 
Spetznaz in Severnaya, now 
you’re detained by the 
Russian Military Police. 
Your performance has been 
deplorable as of late. 007. 
something we’ll discuss in 
detail at your next review. 
Your best chance for a fair 
trial is to win the support of 
Defense Minister Mishkin. 
The latest word from our 
operative in the Politburo is 
that Mishkin is a fair man. 
but there seems to be some 
sort of political power strug- 
gle between him and that 
chap you had a run-in with 
during the Kirghizstan 
operation two years ago— a 
certain General Arkady 



Archives 2nd Floor 


Agent Secret Agent ( 

1 Escape from the Interrogation Room 

2 Find Natalya (Pages 5? and 58) 

3 Recover the Helicopter Flight Recorder (Page 58) 

4 Escape with Natalya (Page 59) 

If you find this hidden passage, you can 
ambush the Dostovei-toting guards in this 
crowded room. Natalya will run here if 
you lose her during a firefight. 


i The interrogators are covering Natalya, and, unlike the terrorists on the 
t\ Frigate, they'll open fire on you instead of taking her out first. 
# % Unfortunately, these officers are intelligent enough to stand behind 
Natalya and use her as a human shield. They won't harm her, but if you're not careful, 
you will. Use your cross hairs to target each interrogator and watch your back — the 
noise from this tricky firefight will bring other sentries to assist their companions. 

“ 1 

C=) 1=] 


*0 ^ 

□ 11 


0 1=3 • 

0 0 




• J 0 

•• • 

Natalya: James! 




21 1 SO 

Natalya: I'm scared. I'm getting out of here. 


Archives 1st Floor 

The Records Department 

Compared to the interrogation jjevel, the records department 
inside the Military Archives/s li^htf\defended with a handful 
of bored sentries. The seemjbgjy endless bookcases and numer- 
ous dark corners are gre,at places to seek refuge from 
Ourumov's troops and the wo&Npated intelligence officers. 



j^B Aside from her harrowing experience in Severnaya, 
m ■ Natalya hasn't been around you enough to trust 
" »■ you with her life. 

She'll rely on her own 
instincts and take flight if 
she finds herself in the 
midst of a swarm of flying 
lead. If Natalya says she's 
scared, she'll flee to 
another part of the com- 
plex. The soldiers won't 
shoot at her — they know 
you're the one licensed to 
kill. If you lose Natalya, 
try searching for her at one 
of the three locations indi- 
cated on the map. 

Don't Blow It 

Secret Agent 

Minister Mishkin has picked a dangerous place for a ren- 
dezvous. He's waiting for you in a room packed with 
explosives. A few stray rounds will obliterate everything 
except the safe in the corner. Keep your finger off the trig- 
ger until you have the safe key. After Mishkin leaves, you 
can use this chamber as a trap. Lure Ourumov's guards 
into room, then blast the crates before they realize that 
they've made their final mistake. 


General Ourumov's execution order is in direct violation 
of the Politburo's new policies for dealing with spies. 
Defense Minister Mishkin is waiting to talk to you about 
Ourumov and the helicopter flight recorder in the basement. If 
you keep your cool, Mishkin will give you the key to the safe that 
holds the flight recorder. Don't turn your back on the door. 

Body Armor 

If you're playing Agent rank, you'll 
find Body Armor waiting for you on 
top of a box. Put it on before the 
elite guards spot you. Blast the 
boxes next to the charging troops 
and let the resulting explosions do 
the work for you. 

gj Nintendo Player's Guide 

1 p 

0 n 


C=] L =1 


*0 ^ 


y >=>• 

n n 


a 0 



1 • 

• • 


IB Break the glass and leap out of any one of these 
m • three library windows to make your escape from 
M m. the Military Archives. Natalya will follow you 
unless she has told you that she is scared by the gunfire. If 
Natalya is frightened, you'll have to track her down in the 
archives and persuade her to follow you. The mission will 
be a complete failure if you jump out the window without 
Natalya close behind you. 



<; v; ---'V 


6 ■ 

% St. Petersburg ^ 

* I * \ N ' 

'll II'' v 

' A 


Bond. and Natalya barely make it out of St. Petersburg's Military Archives 
before a black sedan screeches to a halt in front of them. A car door opens 
and General Ourumov grabs Natalya and thrusts jjer into the car. Bond 
fries to draw his gun, but he knows he might hit the girl if he fires. The 
General sheers as' fhJrear vanishes in a cloud of smoking rrres. ' I 

Grenade Launcher 


If you're driving the tank, it's best to 
clear the minefield with your tank's 
gun, a hand grenade or a grenade 
launcher before proceeding. The 
mines won't explode if you're on foot. 


With. Ourumov’s cover 
blown, it’s only a matter of 
time before Trevelyan and 
the General flee from 
Russia. We don’t have any 
leads as to where they 
might run, but they’re the 
only link we have to the 
stolen GoldenEye Satellite. 
Stay close on their tail, but 
don’t create an internation- 
al incident by accidentally 
bumping into the citizens of 
St. Petersburg. If you contact 
Valentin Zukovsky he 
might know a way to slow 
down Ourumov’s vehicle. 

Two Ways to Chase 

St. Petersburg is a fast-paced maze filled with Qurumov's troops. The key to complet- 
ing your mission is not to waste precious, time engaging the enemy. You can complete 
this mission using the tank or running On foot. 

in root. 


Valentin is waiting for Bond up an alley I 
near the archives. Talking to him will 
■ . give you six minutes to complete the 
mission instead of only three, which makes your 
objectives easier to complete. Valentin will take 
his time speaking with his associates, so it's 
important to talk to him while you still have at 
least fifty seconds left on the timer. 

^ Nintendo Player's Guide 

• • 


Agent Secret Agent 

1 Contact Valentin 

2 Pursue Ourumov and Natalya 

3 Minimize Civilian Casualties 

00 Agent 

You’ve let the girl carry 
the flight recorder? Now 
Ourumov has the 
recorder and the girl 
again? A gentlemen 
should always carry the 
luggage, 007. 1 don’t have 
any gadgets for you to 
lose, hut you might see if 
Valentin can spare a 
grenade launcher. 

□ pursue ourumov 


M % Any true Bond fan will remember the famous St. 

Petersburg tank chase from the GoldenEye 
movie. You can pursue Ourumov by commandeering the 
tank near the beginning of the stage or by running through 
the streets on foot. If you remember to take every right 
turn, you won't get lost. You must complete the entire 
course before the timer expires — or General Ourumov 
will get away. 

• • 

Body Armor 

Someone left Body Armor 
neatly folded on the side- 
walk. The street is heavily 
defended and this item is 
probably bait for a trap. 

□ minimize civilian 



M ■ With all the gunfire and explosions, the stunned citizens of St. Petersburg 
are running around in a blind panic, abandoning their cars in the mid- 
dle of the city streets. The last time they | 
experienced anything of this nature was 
during the Second World War. Do your 
best to swerve and avoid all pedestrians, 
especially if you're driving the tank. Ten 
casualties will end the chase, even if the 
civilians are inadvertently injured by the 
sentries trying to stop you. 



A Body Armor Bonanza 

The abandoned St. Petersburg Military Depot has 
more Body Armor stockpiled for Agents and Secret 
Agents than any other stage in the game, but the crack 
Janus troops guarding the facility are going to make 
you pay dearly for this luxury. You'll encounter end- 
less ambushes around every dark corner while you 
grope through your mission objectives. Make a note 
of which Body Armor you've already picked up so 
you won't have to waste time visiting the same loca- 
tions twice. 

Mission \ 

6 ! 

^ St. Petersburg , ^ 

. — 

' V 

General Ourumov's car slogs through the muddy potholes surrounding he 
abandoned military depot near St. Petersburg. 007 would have to be a fool 
to follow him here. These rusting warehouses contain the entire weapons 
inyenlory of^h^Janus syndicate, and the elite guards herc^are morejthan 
deal with a solitary British Secret^^^if ■: 

A report from our operative 
in Libya indicates that the 
Janus syndicate is trying to 
sell a modified version of 
the Pirate stealth helicopter 
to international terrorist 
groups. They probably blew 
up the original because they 
found a way to improve 
upon the French design. 

The world could become a 
better place if you found a 
way to steal those blue- 
prints back from Trevelyan, 
007. Make sure that you 
have them before the train 
leaves the station. 

/ £$ 

/, m 

fi ■ — ■ 

i *iS»' 

a i ^ 


Body Armor 

You're probably already wearing Body 
Armor, but it's important to remember 
where you can find a spare, especially 
if you have a run-in with the elite 
guards firing two D5Ks. Back track to 
this Body Armor when you need it. 

Warehouses For Warfare 

The Depot is packed with Body 
Armor on the Agent and Secret Agent 
levels, but that's because the Janus 
troops defending the warehouses are 
equipped with heayy*. arms and 
armor, and they knoyy exactly where 
■ you're hiding.|The; key to survival 
here is to 'keejf 'moving constantly 
and to complete your objectives as 
quickly as possible. 

Body Armor 

You can enter one of three bay doors to 
reach this Body Armor, but don't be 
surprised if you're followed. Watch your 
back and don't exit from the same door 
that you entered. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Destroy the Illegal Arms Cache (Page 64) 

2 Destroy the Computer Network (Page 64) 

§0 Obtain the Safe Key (Page 64^SSL 

4 Recover the Helicopter . Elueprii^.(Page 65) , 

5 Locate Trevelyan's Train (Page 65) 

Loading bays 



Body Armor 

If you're on the run and 
looking for breathing room, 
don this Body Armor and wait 
to ambush the roving Janus 
guards searching for you. 

Body Armor 

If you're new to playing Secret 
Agent level, be sure to grab 
this Body Armor. You'll need it 
when you confront the troops 
near the computer center. 


• • 

Body Armor 

This Body Armor is available only 
on Agent level, but there are three 
sentries waiting for you in this 
corner. You can find easier item 
pickings elsewhere in the level. 


Roving Guards 

There are fewer stationary-guards in the second/fiaFoNhe Depot. Most of the sentries are actively rov- 
ing around the dark corners of the building s^ fcn e n d -asffitf 1 e time as possible retracing your route by 
taking out the Janus computer network before\Hmtaa$mg the illegal weapons cache. 

Depot Station 


M • The illegal arms cache is locked away in the brown crates in the I 
" middle of the warehouse. Pick up the rocket launcher, proximi- 
ty mines and other weapons before you blast the crates. You'll find that 
you can save ammunition by shooting the middle crates and letting the i 
resulting explosion consume the surrounding boxes. Your objective is j 
complete once all the crates are destroyed. 

The computerized drone gun has a 
higher rate of fire than your guns, so 
try knocking it out by peeking around 
the corner without letting it 
spot you. 

Body Armor - 


i A computerized drone gun is guarding the Janus computer net- 
work. To destroy the gun, peek around the corner on the left side 
of the stack of boxes until you see less than half the drone. The gun won't 
be able to see you, so it won't shoot back. Destroy the mainframe com- 
puters and the electronic map to complete the objective, but don't leave 
until you locate the safe key. 

^ m 

Body Armor 




, T The safe key is lying on one of the desks near the elec- 
1 / - L tronic map screen in the network computer room. The 
* A tiny, brass key is resting next to a computer keyboard. 
If you've had a tough engagement with the computer room 
guards, the key may have fallen onto the floor. Try searching by 
walking around each desk in the front row until a message tells 
you that you've picked up the key. 



Apparently the Janus syndicate manufac- 
tures and distributes prox imity mines 
similar to the ones our operatives used 
during' the 1981 Falkland Islands campaign. 
If you come across a. cache, you might find 
the devices rather useful for discouraging 
tail gate rs. While the mines stick to any 
surface, you can also drop them behind you 
like bread crumbs. Those Janus blokes 
might stumble across a nasty surprise that 
quite literally blows their socks off. 

■ Body Armor 



Use the safe key you found in the computer room on the safe 
on the second floor of the Depot Station Office. If you're 
clever enough to plant proximity mines behind you, make 
sure you don't leave one on 
the office door or you'll get 
burned by the explosion 
radius of your own booby 
trap. Double check the 
completed objectives on 
your watch before attempt- 
ing to board the train. 


■ * To reach Trevelyan's train, you'll have to enter the 
* *■ Depot Station office, climb up the stairs, enter the 
warehouse, then open the cargo bay door. This train trans- 
ported missiles during the Cold War, so don't expect win- 
dows or a dining car. 

Board the train by opening 
the sliding doors marked 
with the yellow and black 
stripes. You can dispatch 
the guards yourself or leap 
into the train and watch 
the animation do it for you. 

» a 

& a 

A ® 


01 5 ! 





65 P | 


H . 

o y | 




® * i 

GoldenEye g 

i] / 

Mission ^ 

6 ■ 

^ St. Petersburg.^* 

' I * A V 

I l I ' 

One of the tougher but shorter missions you'll encounter, especially at the 
00 Agent level, takes place on the Janus command train. The narrow con- 
fines and sharp-shooting guards or? the train mak| it a death trap. You 
must m^inori: 2 ;e r M^nemy locations- -and plan each shot witi^age^|S|j ng 
out bf the line of f ire^v h e n e v e r possible. A HI 


I shouldn’t have to tell you 
that hostage situations can 
he the most volatile and un- 
predictable. I don’t need a 
cowboy running loose on that 
train. Take your time, avoid 
risks and scout out the posi- 
tions of the enemy before 
walking into possible am- 
bushes. You can destroy the 
brake units to stop the train, 
then it’s vital that you get 
Natalya to locate the Janus 
Syndicate’s secret ops center. 
If she can hack Boris 
Grishenko’s computer pass- 
word, you’ll have all the data 
you need to end this business. 
And I want it ended now. 

Is that clear? 

In Training 

On Agent level, you can 
Rambo through the cars with- 
out taking much damage. But 
at 00 Agent |e)£gl, it's another 
story. In the first c% take out 
the guap on me far right, j.hen 
edg g y Jpa aMthe vfobffen crates 
until tn& guardfi on Jhe left is 
barely v i slblg.^ge' a long a lit- 
tle farther unt| the second 
guard appears. Each time a 
guard is barely in view, use 
your crosshair to line up 
the shot. 


I'd appreciate it if you didn’t treat this 
laser watch as a toy. 007. Now. pay atten- 
tion. Once you activate the laser, you’ll - 
have 300 charges to burn away the 
hinges on the floor panel. Aim the laser 
and move the beam along the four sides 
of the panel. Even a child could do it. 



□ • □< 

□ D O' 



M ■ Each of the six trains cars has a brake 
unit that must be destroyed in order 
to stop the train. After defeating the guards in 
each car, shoot the brake unit until it blows 
up. In some cases, such as at the end of the 
first and second cars, you should defeat the 
guards in the adjoining car before destroying 
the brake units. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 



Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Destroy the Brake Units 

2 Rescue Natalya (Page 68) 

3 Locate Janus’s Secret Base (Page 68) 

4 Crack Boris’s Pas sword .(Page 69) ^ 

5 Escape to Safety (Page 69) 

After opening the double doors and ducking 
back to the right, angle yourself toward the 
door and move backward until the guard on 
the far left barely comes into view. Take the 
shot, then move carefully until the second 
guard appears, and so on. This will keep you 
out of the line of fire. 




Train Car 2 

If you stand near the crates when the 
guards storm in from the third car, you 
could be hurt in an explosion. It's better 
to wait off to the side of the door. 

Between a Box and a Hard Place 


You can hide behind the wooden crates only as long as you're 
unseen, or if you're seen only by the enemy you're shooting. 
If more enemies see you, they'll blow up the crate and you'll 
take damage. Metal crates are another matter. In the second 
train car, after you make it past the first set of guards, use the 
stacked metal crates for cover. Angle your view to the right 
and inch out until you see the guard on the far right. Take him 
out, then inch a little farther, taking out guards as they come 
into view. It's usually preferable to maneuver for the safe shot 
than to rush in to a welcome of flying lead. 


You Only Knock Twice 

Several guards hide v jn locked cabins on the 
train and won't appear until after you've 
passed. If you're aware of them, you can wait 
for the guardsyto appear, thert take them out. 
The first hidden guard is in the restroom in the 
third car. He app ears after you defeat the six 
guards outside.' Two guards wait in the second 
cabin of the fourth car; Ay guard in the fourth car 
restroom appears only after you pass through 
most of the fifth car. 

Restroom Rumble 

A short hall in the fifth car is flanked by 
two restrooms and is one of the deadliest 
parts of the train. Two of the three guards 
will come out of the door with their guns 
blazing. Wait for them on the right side 
and shoot slightly low to take out the 
kneeling guard. If you kneel, you might 
avoid taking a stray bullet. You'll pick up 
twin ZMGs for even more fire power. 


Once you've shot all the guards 
in the hallway here, continue 
down the aisle several steps, 
then return to the restroom 
with the locked door. The guard 
there should be just emerging 
and you'll be able to take him 
before he raises his gun. 

Train Car 5 


M As you enter the front area of the train, you'll stumble upon General Ourumov 
m ■ holding Natalya at gunpoint. Behind them in the shadows are Trevelyan and 
Jf % Onatopp. When the General warns you to stop moving, do so. Take aim 
and send Ourumov to the great mess hall in the sky. Immediately after that, take aim 

Onatopp in the 
distance. If you hit her, 
you'll gain precious 
extra time to escape 
from the train. Do 
not hit Natalya under 
any circumstances. 


While you cut away the hinges on the floor panel, 
Natalya will be at the computer console attempting 
to discover the whereabouts of the hidden GoldenEye 
control center. There's nothing you can do but wait for her to 
locate Boris. At that point, if you're playing Secret Agent 
level, you can jump out of the train and escape. 


Nintendo Player's Guide 



Once you enter this area of the train, 
the guard who was locked in the 
restroom back in the fourtli car will 
now make his way forward. Go back to 
the parlor area through the last door 
and wait for him to come to you. 

• • 

Train Car 4 

As soon as you shoot out the final brake unit, you'll see a mes- 
sage indicating the success of your first objective. Now turn and 
face the corridor to the right. Two guards will rush into view. 
Before they can react to your presence, gun them down. 



B * It's up to Natalya to crack the code. 

*■ Your job is to cut away the floor 
panel and be ready to jump. If you left any 
of the guards alive behind in the train, they 
will make their way forward. Be prepared. If 
you didn't shoot Xenia earlier, you will have 
slightly less than five seconds to get out of 
the train once Natalya gets Boris's pass- 
word. Wait for Natalya to say she has it, 
then immediately jump. 


This can be the trickiest part of all, particularly in 00 Agent 
level. Begin by using the watch laser to cut through the 
gray hinges on the floor panel until it drops away. If you 
shot Xenia after Ourumov, 
you'll have extra time once 
Natalya has Boris's pass- 
word. In that case, once 
you drop through the floor 
panel, turn right and race 
toward the front of the 
train, dodging to avoid the 
fire. If you didn't shoot 
Xenia, turn to the left 
toward the guards by the 
side of the track. With 
luck, Natalya will escape 
the blast from the train. 



While satellite reconnaissance haven't beeh able to locate any physical 
traces of a space control center, the coordinates recovered from the smok- 
ing Janus computers at the Depot in St. Petersburg convince M that a facil- 
ity exists in the jungles of Cuba. It's up to Bond and Matalva to check it 
out on the ground. 



Natalya Simonova will 

The explosion from your 
wrecked plane will draw the 
attention of two nearby guards. 
This isn't necessarily bad 
because Natalya can knock both 
of them out before you have 
time to line up your shot. Make 
sure you pick up the enemy's 
AR33, especially since you can 
use the rifle's telescoping sight 
to scout out the trouble lurking 
in the murky mist. The AR33 
also has more stopping power 
than most weapons in the game. 

accompany you on your mis- 
sion to Cuba. If our assump- 
tions are true and Janus has 
GoldenEye. we’ll need Ms. 
Simonova’s skills to disable 
their computer system We’ve 
contacted Jack Wade from 
the CIA and he has been able 
to give her some basic 
firearm training. He said she 
fared better than most of his 
trainees, but that doesn’t sur- 
prise me considering the 
meager funds the United 
States appropriates to the 
CIA these days. Get her in to 
do the job, then get out 
of there. 

Murky Mist 

A thick, steamy vapor hangs 
in the jungle air, limiting 
your visibility. Your first pri- 
ority is/fo grab one of the 
enemy's AR33 Assault Rifles. 
Even if 'you don't have 
ammo;;you c&n use' the rifle's 
telescoping -sight to spot the 
dangerous details 
in the distance. 

Body Armor 
Finding this Body Armor is a 
lucky break, especially for 
00 Agents searching for 
protection. Even if you neu- 
tralize the sentries in the 
jungle without taking a hit, 
you'll need this precious 
item for your double- 
barreled confrontation 
with Xenia Onatopp. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


1 Destroy the Drone Guns (Page's 71 . 72 and 73) 

2 Eliminate Xenia (Page 72) 

3 Blow Up the Ammo Dump (Page 73) 

4 Escort Natalya to Janus Base (Page 73) 


Body Armor 

Grab this Body Armor if your other one is already 
frayed or gone, or save it in case your confrontation 
with Xenia Onatopp turns terribly sour. It might seem 
like a long retreat, but remember that you can lay 
remote mines behind you and weaken Xenia— or she 
might blow herself up as she attempts to return fire 
with her grenade launcher. 


There is a total of seven drone guns you must destroy before entering 
? Control Center. Unlike the video-camera-controlled drone guns 
you found in Severnaya and the St. Petersburg Depot, these drone 
guns are controlled by a motion-sensing radar. Thankfully, the range of the gun 
sensor is shorter than your eyesight, so you can use your AR33's sights to blast 
the guns before their electronic circuits register that you're there. While all 
guns can rotate and track targets, the sensors can see targets only in front of 
them. If you can sneak up behind a gun or take it out from a perpendicular 
angle, it will never know what hit it. 

X O I 

the C< 
you fc 


Here are six remote mines. 
007. These devices are exactly 
like the ones you used nine 
years ago in the Arkangelsk 
mission. How they’re used is 
completely up to your discre- 
tion, hut I thought you might 
find them useful for dis- 
patching Janus troops holed 
up in fortified positions. 

GoldenEye ||0 


The Cage 

Xenia Onatopp patrols the 
bridge leading to The Cage, 
a twisted series of caverns 
packed with Janus troops. 
Make use of the forest 
cover and save your best 
weapons for the final push 
to get through the doors of 
the Control Center. 


M ■ You'll have to get by two drone guns before 
" ™ you can enter the caverns known as The Cage, 
but only the first gun will give you trouble. Stand 
behind the trees on the right or left side of the forest to 
take out the drone gun beneath the wooden tower. The 
other drone gun is facing away from the bridge, so it 
won't return fire unless you walk past it. 

Body Armor 

You'll find Body Armor behind the 
tower if you're playing at Agent or 
Secret Agent rank. If you've used up 
only one Body Armor, you might find it 
easier to retrace your steps to the 
armor back at the last corner so you 
can save this one in case you need it 
while fighting Xenia or the guards 
inside The Cage. 

Jungle Part 2 


M Xenia Onatopp will smash most players 

■ m unless they figure out her weakness: she 
Jf won't shoot diagonally across the bridge. 
Stand at the end of the rope bridge until Xenia 
appears. Step to the left or right of the bridge and 
unload your AR33 as Xenia attempts to cross to 
your side. She'll never return fire from the bridge 
unless you stand directly in front of her. If your aim 
is true, she won't make it even halfway, and you'll 
be able to pick up her grenade launcher and the 
incredibly fast RC-P90. If Xenia does make it 
across the bridge, try retreating into the trees as 
FROM PAGE 71 you return fire and use remote mines. When Xenia 

uses her launcher, the grenade may bounce off a 
trunk and hit her. 

Nintendo Player s Guide 

The Cage 


The Janus troops in front of the entrance to 
the Control Center are endless, so you 
should eliminate as many as you can and 
then sprint to the complex doors before 
reinforcements can run up and take the 
places of their fallen comrades. Since the 
sentries are hiding behind steel crates, your 
best means of dispatching them is to use 
explosive devices such as grenades or 
remote mines. The guards are aiming for 
you, and most of them will ignore Natalya. 


■K Even if you take the long, winding slope up to the top of The Cage, you'll 
W » want to retrace your steps and eliminate the remaining two drone guns 
M m. from the ladder. This is easy to do if you remember to crouch on the lad- 
der and peek up over the side of the cliff. You can destroy the gun before it sees 
you. The other gun can't detect you from this angle, so you'll have all the time 
in the world. 


[ I \ \ This is an easy task once you figure out how to neutralize the two 
* * drone guns guarding the dump. The trick is to approach the dump 
from the ladder. There's a drone gun covering this entrance, but if you 
crouch on the ladder, you can pick off the gun before it registers that you're 
there. From this angle, you'll 
have an easy shot at the other 
drone gun covering the second 
entrance. Make sure that 
Natalya is clear of the area 
before you blast the crates. 








Part 2 


Bond knows he has only a few minutes before the GoldenEye Satellite will 
fly above the city of London and obliterate nearly half of the European 
market in one blinding flash, plunging the world into economic chaos. 
He has to get Natalya into’ the Janus Control Center so she can shut down 
the satellite. - vrffc 


Work as a team with 
Natalya Simonova to shut 
down the GoldenEye 
Satellite, 007. She’ll take 
care of "breaking into the 
computer software while 
you’re smashing the Janus 
hardware. I don’t know how 
she will handle things 
under pressure, "but she’s 
our only hope for shutting 
down their computer net- 
work. Beware of traps. 
Remember that a former 00 
Agent designed this mas- 
sive underground complex, 
and he’s undoubtedly bor- 
rowed from our own book on 
the tricks of the trade. 

Blast Doors 

Natalya can vyork on getting the 
first door open fpr ybu, but the rest 
of the do ors in the -Centro I Center 
won't opefe unless you complete 
certai n tasks?’''- - V"' 

Control Center 1st Floor 




=■ □ 


FS □=■ * 



The drone guns suspended over 
this hallway have a limited range, 
so you can plug them from a dis- 
tance. The two icons on the right 
show two more hidden drone 
guns waiting for Secret and 00 
Agents. If you run past them, 
they won't have time to track 
and hit you. 

Ignore Boris and go about your business. If you hurt him, Natalya 
will abort your mission by refusing to cooperate. If you've seen 
the GoldenEye movie, you already know that he'll get what he 
has coming to him. 

P Nintendo Player's Guide 


Agent Secret Agent OOAgent 

1 Protect Natalya (Page 76) 

2 Disable the GoldenEye Satellite (Page 77>' 

3 Destroy the Armored Mainframes (Page 77) 

pH tl 

wtr 000 







Natalya can hack into the securi- 
ty computers and open one of the 
blast doors for you, but then it's 
up to you to clear the Control 
Center of Janus troops so she 
can finish the work on the 
GoldenEye Satellite computers. 

Prioritize your targets at the 
start of the stage. Let the guards 
come to you and neutralize each 
one as he rounds the corner. Once 
the chamber is clear, start 
working on the drone guns. The 
three arrows are pointing to key 
safe spots where you can stand 
and knock out the guns. The trick 
is to carefully aim around the 
corner and shoot at only a 
portion of the gun so the drone's 
sensor can't detect you. If you 
can see the entire gun, it can 
see you, too. 


I figured you would use up my 
remote mines before you entered 
the Control Center, but I wish you 
would have saved a few for the 
armored mainframes. You’ll need 
a bomb or something to knock 
those monsters off line. Perhaps 
you’ll find more explosives 




0 » 
*3 . 





Sr 1 






Treat the sentries behind the crates like 
drone guns: peer around the corner just 
enough to hit them without being detected. 
Just remember that unlike drone guns, these 
cunning foes may toss a grenade to throw 
you off. 

xsissioir 7 

Glass Walls 

The most complicated room in the 
Control Center is the Computer Room 
with the GoldenEye. tracking screen. 
Make a note of the room's four 
entrances and the -Ideation of each 
glass wall. You must cover all these 
areas while protecting Natalya. 

Control Center 1st Floor 

==□ CT3 


^ r 



□ n 


sr » □=- 

• • • 



Body Armor 

After Natalya is clear of danger, work 
your way to this corner and pick up this 
Body Armor before attempting to get 
to the elevator. You'll need some extra 
protection when you run Trevelyan's 
heavily fortified gauntlet waiting for 
you inside the warehouse. 


M Protecting Natalya in the Computer Room is the most dangerous objec- 
m ■ tive in this mission. Pick up the Body Armor on the third floor before you 
M 1. lead Natalya to the terminal. Stand in the front of the room and do your 
best to cover all four entrances as the Janus troops start to charge. Sofne guards 
will target you to throw off your aim, while oth- 
ers will focus only on taking Natalya out. You 
can't pick your targets — eliminate everyone 
before he can pull off a shot. 

Alec Trevelyan taunts you as he jumps 
into this elevator, but there's no way 
to catch him, even if you do manage to 
throw a grenade inside the closing 
door. Duty to your country comes 
first — you'll have to settle your score 
with him in a later stage of the game. 

Protecting Natalya is one of the stickiest and 
trickiest objectives in the game. Some Janus 
troops will target you while others will aim 
for her. You can't pick your targets, so your 
only chance is to watch the entrances and 
eliminate every approaching threat. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

While you don't have to follow 
Boris— and he probably would pre- 
fer that you didn't— if you do, you'" 
discover his own private stash of 
Body Armor hidden away in this 
short, narrow corridor. 



If you manage to protect Natalya in the 
midst of the wild cross fire, she'll find a way to alter 
the satellite's trajectory, driving it into the heat of 
the earth's atmosphere. But keep an eye on all of 
the entrances. Janus's men will still try to jump out 
of the shadows in an attempt to stop Natalya. 

using a grenade or two 
on a computer, but 
remember to aim careful- 
ly so the grenade doesn't 
rebound and come 
rolling back to you. 



Mission I -Part 3 

7 .1 rs 


** . Cuba 

V' I ■ V 

tfc./ Vi •!> 

Even as the ColdenEye Satellite slowly sinks toward the earth, Alec 
Trevelyan is struggling to regain control .of his space weapon by repro- 
gramming the telemetry data from a remote terminal on the submersible 
satellite dish. It's up to Bond to intervene and shut down the Janus 
Syndicate once and for all. 


Remember your priorities 
and stick to them. 007. Ignore 
your grudge with Alec 
Trevelyan and concentrate 
on destroying the Janus 
operation before their scien- 
tists figure out how to repro- 
gram GoldenEye’s navigation 
instructions. Jack Wade has 
offered assistance in the 
form of a detachment of US 
Marines, but he needs to 
know the exact coordinates 
of the secret base and the 
satellite dish. If you can call 
him on the radio and lock up 
the base’s water pumps, he’ll 
know exactly where to send 
in the troops. 

Aim High 

The Water Caverns beneath the 
Janus Control Center are packed 
with the best equipped guards in 
the game, making it one of the 
most challenging stages in 
GoldenEye. Aramo conservation is 
critical whjJAyiqu're' exploring the 
first fewrchamffiers inwie stage, 
especially if you're. playing at 
Secret Agent' Or 00 Agent rank. All 
sentries %e wealing Betly Armor, 
so you'll ri&edJo make sure your 
shots land on th§ mark the first 
time-or you'll pay dearly for 
your mistakes. 

Body Armor 

There's Body Armor resting on this 
crate if you're playing at Agent 
rank. Make sure you blast open all 
the crates and collect the extra 
ammo inside for the rooms ahead. 

Alec will flee as soon as he sees 
you open the elevator door. You 
can't do anything to catch him, so 
take your time and eliminate his 
escorts before they can turn and 
point their guns at you. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


a Destroy the Inlet Pump Controls 
H Destroy the Outlet Pump Controls (PagetfO)' 

;3| Destroy the Master Control Console (Page 82) 

4 Use the Radio to Contact Jake Wade (Page 82) 

5 Minimize Scientist Casualties (Pages 79 and 82 ) 

Water Caverns 1st Floor 

If you have extra rounds to spare in 
your AR33, you can use your rifle 
sight to neutralize the guards on the 
spiraling walkway from a distance. 
You won't sustain any damage if you 
rely on long range combat through- 
out your climb up the dome's spiral 


Technicians must engage the four computer consoles to acti- 
vate the inlet pump controls that allow water to fill the lake 

□ minimize scientist 


There are three scientists operating the 
four inlet pump controls. They'll begin to 
flee as soon as they see you, 
but sometimes one or two 
will panic and blindly run in 
circles. Lead the confused 
civilians to safety before you 
destroy the computers. 

concealing Trevelyan's submersible satellite dish. Shoo the 
timid scientists away from the computers, then destroy the 
consoles with your guns or timed mines. Select your ord- 
nance based on your agent rank. Use mines if you're a 00 
Agent-you'll need to conserve your rounds for the guards 
waiting to ambush you in the long, damp corridors ahead. 




O 1 



Water Caverns 2nd Floor 

The sentry on guard in this 
chamber carries two ZMG 
9MMs, which means you can be 
a two-fisted gunner when you 
recover his weapons. You'll use 
both of these guns until you 
claim one of the RC-P90s or a 
pair of AR33s used by the guards 
at the end of the stage. 

The second half of the Wats 
crammed with trouble, 
weapons cache, you shot 
levels without taking a hit. 
to the outlet pump controls. 

Double-Decker Danger 

is a double-decker corrid< 
ir time and cash in on tf 
dispatch the guards on boi 
use the secret passage leadir 

Use the sights on your AR33 to disconnect the 
drone gun above the blast door. Two calm and 
collected sentries are savvy enough not to 
bolt under the explosion, and they'll wait to hit 
you when you climb the stairs. They won't give 
you trouble if you remember to expect them. 



Four computers activate the outlet pump controls that 
allow the lake water to drain from around the satellite 
dish. The best way to access the room containing the 
consoles is through the secret passage behind the lockers in the 
ammo cache chamber. This approach isn't covered by security, 
and you'll be able to bypass the forces waiting to intercept you 
on the steel walkways 
in the adjacent cham- 
ber. Remember to 
destroy the drone gun 
before you attempt to 
leave the room. 


Nintendo Player's Guide 

Your ammo shortage will be over once 
you reach this weapons cache. Drop a 
timed mine in the center of the crates 
and let the explosion open up all the 
boxes at once. When you've 
collected all the rounds, blast the 
steel lockers on the wall. After the 
smoke clears, you can climb through 
the wreckage and explore the narrow 
tunnel leading to the computers that 
activate the outlet pump controls. 

Water Caverns Basement 


□ • 


The sentry toting two ZMGs is also holding 
Code Card A, a key card that allows you to 
pass through one of the doors later in the 
stage. Code Card A will not open the blast 
door beneath the drone gun where the pump 
outlet controls are located, but it will get you 
to the radio. 


Janus has his blast doors 
set up on a code card sys- 

tem, and he's assigned 


the cards to his guards 

on a need-to-use basis. 
You’ll to take out 
the sentries and search 

them to find the key that 

you need. 










P £ 

H #5 | 



n ; 




H w I 
«,<<■ I 


Bszssionr ? 

Code Key Cards 

Before you leave the Water Caverns, you'll have to c^HlcN ire e Code Cards that will open the doors leading to the 
stage exit. Alec Trevelyan will be waiting for you, sq^e .ready for a last-second dirty trick or two. 



■K The only scientists remaining in this section of the Water 
■ * Caverns are controlling the master control console. Don't 
M ». bother them until you've dealt with all the sentries. You'll 
need to persuade them to leave the premises so you can destroy their 
computer. Scientists will typically raise their hands and stand still 
when you approach them, making it difficult to get around them. If 
you shoot your gun near their feet, they'll catch a clue and bolt for 
the exits. Injuring three scientists will end your mission. 


m ^ The radio is in the corner of the chamber opposite the master control console. There are a dozen barrels of flamma- 
B ble liquid stacked to the left of the radio and one more behind the radio table. You need to lure the guards away from 
the barrels before you take them out. The I 
best way to do this is to shoot at the 
wooden crates outside the room and lure 
the guards one at a time though the auto- 
matic doors. Select the AR33 and use 
your crosshairs to aim at each target. Use 
the radio only after all the sentries have ! 
been neutralized. 

Jack Wade: Got your bearings Jimbo! 

Me and my boys are on 
our way. 



{ I The master control console operates the water pumps that immerse the satellite dish in Janus's artificial lake. This is the 
ji \ \ final piece of equipment you'll need to immobilize the satellite dish. Do not destroy this computer until you've 
' contacted Jack Wade on the radio. Several barrels of flammable liquid have been stored next to the 

computer, and a chain reaction will wipe I 
out the radio before you can contact Wade. 

The trigger-happy guards will also blast 
themselves into oblivion, so try to lure them 
out through the automatic doors where you 
can dispose of them on the steel walkways. 

After you've eliminated all the guards, 
persuade the scientist to leave by aiming 
your pistol near his toes and forcing him to 
dance his way to safety. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 



Water Caverns 3rd Floor 



• * 

. toy . 



□ EJ 

o q . 


Body Armor 

/ 1 

Code Card C 

The sentry waiting outside this door 
is carrying Code Card C. This card will 
open the blast door leading to Alec 
Trevelyan and exiting out of the 
Water Caverns. 

Code Card B 

Alec's taunt is actually a signal to the 
guards sneaking up behind you. Turn 
around and neutralize the guards 
before you use your AR33 to knock out 
the drone guns in the distance. If 
you've fulfilled all your mission objec- 
tives, you can run down the corridor 
after Trevelyan and move on to the 
final stage. 

If you're playing on Agent or Secret Agent 
rank, you'll find Body Armor waiting for you 
on top of this crate. This is the only Body 
Armor in the entire level, so try to make it 
last through your confrontation with Alec 
Trevelyan beneath the drone guns. 


M" ' 

I , 

4 , 

J ' 

230 | 3a 

Code Card B opens up the blast door on page 
80. Do not return to this blast door until you've 
called Jack Wade on the radio and destroyed 
the master control console. 




J3 S I 

*3 , 

H 93 | 






H w I 




' Y •. , ^ 




Trevelyan must have done 
some heavy Humber crunch- 
ing' in his head to figure out , . • 

how to manually reset the 

dish antenna so that it inter- jm 

cepts It’s literally ft - ' V- 

a shot, in the dark, but if 

GoldenEye receives a course correction, it will fire on 
London. Knock out the computer to shut down the dish 
for good. 

antenna cradle 

Almost everyone at Ml<> believes that the lands satellite communications sy 
x ' .tern has been destroyed-everyone except. Q; After a scan of real-time 
• ' , \ footage by a passing Keyhole- 1 ELI NT Satellite, he. has noticed cables leading 
to a shed on the dish. If Q lv correct, London is.far from.? Trevelyan may 
be able to reprogram GoldenEye if he. can realign the dish antenna. 


Jack Wade has called in the 
US Marines, and we want 
you out of there, 007. 1 think 
you’re letting this personal 
vendetta with Alec 
Trevelyan cloud your judg- 
ment. As far as I’m con- 
cerned, your mission is over 
and you should he on your 
way hack to England Of 
course, you’ll have to make 
time for travel arrange- 
ments and your usual 
extracurricular activities. 
What you do on your own 
time is your own business, 
and I don’t think we need to 
know anything else about 
what goes on out there on 
the Antenna Cradle. All we 

Three Minutes Until the Antenna Aligns! 

Elite sentries equipped with Body Atndr and ZMGs are pacing every girder on the 
Antenna Cradle. You'll have three..minutefffq knock out the computer remote termi- 
nal in the shed, then you can deal with Trevelyan and his troops. 

The Former 006 is up 
to His Usual Tricks 

Alec knows you have more than enough time to disable the computer in the shed, 
so he's ordered his troops to trap and delay you on the spans of the Antenna 
Cradle. In the event that you reach the shed, Trevelyan will leap from the shadows 
and taunt you. Alec's guard uni- 
form allows him to blend into the 
hostile crowd, but you can easily 
identify him by the star-shaped 
muzzle flash from his customized 
AR33. All of the other soldiers 
carry one or two ZMGs. Knock 
out the computer before you 
attempt to chase Trevelyan. 

And don't trip over the grenades 
that he leaves behind as he flees 
from you. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

cradle objectives 

Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Destroy the Control Console-(Page 86)' 

2 Settle the Score with Trevelyan (Page 87) 



This Body Armor is available for all agent 
ranks, but it's actually bait for a trap. If you 
run down the long passage to reach it, the 
Janus troops will close in behind you and cut 
you off from Trevelyan and the Antenna 
Cradle control console inside the shed. 

Body Armor 
Always grab the first Body Armor 
behind the post at the start, but don't 
go for any of the armor on the outlying 
points at the top of the Antenna Cradle 
unless you've already demolished the 
computer control console activated by 
Trevelyan inside the shed. 

Like the Body Armor on the far left, this 
armor is a fatal attraction. Janus troops 
will seal off the corridor behind you, 
blocking your access to the Antenna's 
lower levels. You'll use up the armor just 
trying to fight your way back out of your 

Antenna Cradle Upper Level 

Body Armor 

Antenna Cradle Middle Level 


The Janus guards in this stage are 
them. If you remember that sentrie; 
they'll never fire over a railing, yoi 
guards off from a distance. 


you'll pay dearly if you ignore 
alkway as a hallway and that 
:hat you can easily knock the 

The control console is pro- 
tected by two drone guns sus- 
pended from the roof of the 
shed. Open the door and knock 
out the first one before you 
enter the building, then blast 
the second gun before you 
destroy the control console. 
Keep the shed doors closed so 
the guards can't push you into 
the remaining drone gun. 


Body Armor 
The only thing worth taking 
from this shed is the Body 
Armor hidden behind the 
heavy machinery. If you 
grabbed the Body Armor near 
the start of the stage and 
made all your shots count, 
the armor in this building 
should be all the protection 
you need to finish the game. 




m M The Antenna Cradle control console can be destroyed with any gun 
or grenade, but you'll need to neutralize both drone guns inside the 
shed before you take out the com- 
puter. Janus sentries will pour into 
this building as you attempt to blast 
the console, so buy yourself some 
time and protection by sliding the 
door shut behind you and by using 
the heavy machinery in the center 
of the room as cover. The timer and 
alarm will stop as soon as you blast 
the computer. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

Antenna Cradle Lower Level 

Antenna . 

Maintenance E 


The toughest part of your battle with Trevelyan is dispatching his 
guards, but if you take your time and make these sentries a priority 
target, you'll have enough ammunition to keep the former 006 reeling. As 
you chase Trevelyan, you'll notice that there are several locations where he 
always stops and waits for you. If you remember where Alec's ambush loca- 
tions are, you'll be able to anticipate his next move and sidestep his AR33 
and grenades. Like most enemies in the game, Trevelyan has a weak spot. 
The more times Alec gets hit in the head, the sooner he'll come to his sens- 
es and challenge you to "finish the job" at the bottom of the Cradle inside 
the maintenance shed. When you receive Alec's final challenge, follow 
Trevelyan through the hole in the Antenna Cradle Maintenance Shed and 
nail him before he can hit you. You'll need to complete all the stages at 
Secret Agent rank to move on to Mission 8. 



■ ■ 




While Hugo Drax's remains are floating somewhere in deep space, fragments 
of his corporation still exist. The Drax Corporation is still involved in small, 
unlicensed space exploration and military research. Bond has orders to 
reprogram the next shuttle launch so MI6 can capture the spacecraft and 
determine what the renegade company is planning to unleash on the world. 


! 8 ! » 

** Teotihuacan . **» 

V r 


NASA isn't sure how many 
shuttles they lost during 
the Moonraker operation, so 
we’re assisting them by 
checking out the locations 
where we've detected unau- 
thorized launches. The 
South American site you'll 
have to penetrate is close to 
the original Drax complex. 
Since NASA designed the 
computer systems on their 
shuttles, they’ve furnished 
Q with a computer patch 
program that will repro- 
gram the craft’s guidance 
system as soon as it reaches 
orbit. Your job is to infil- 
trate the Drax complex and 
upload the patch into the 
shuttle's program before it 
leaves the launch pad. 

The Toughest Level? 

Infinite guards, hidden drone guns and an oversized lug named Jaws are the three rea- 
sons most operatives consider the Aztec Complex the toughest mission in the game. 
Even if you know exactly what to do, luck plays a significant role in determining your 
success-but gambling with the ultimate stakes is a way of life for James Bond. 

Key Card 

Jaws is holding the Key Card you'll need to locate the shuttle guidance program 
and launch protocol. This metal-mouthed giant is toting a pair of AR33s and plen- 
ty of attitude. Hit Jaws once to get him to follow you, then run circles around 
the Aztec Complex Stairway connected to point C on the map. Jaws will quickly 
retire if you shoot at him from a diagonal angle while he chases you around 
the stairs. 


I know how you dislike cracking 
computers, so I've simplified 
the guidance data patch 
program on this 3.5" 
diskette so it will do most of 
the work for you. All you 
have to do is plug it in. Oh 
yes. I almost forgot-you’ll 
have to find a DAT contain- 
ing the Drax launch proto- * 
col. We can't steal their 
shuttle unless you can get it 
off the ground. 

Nintendo Player s Guide 

• • 


Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Reprogram the Shuttle Guidance System (page 90) 

2 Launch the Shuttle (page 90) 

Aztec Complex 2nd Floor 



The trick to eliminating the drone guns in the hangar is to shoot them from the other side of the 
vent grating. While you can see the guns, they can't see you. In fact, the drone guns behind the con- 
trol room window won't detect you until you break the glass. The only drawback with this location 
is that you'll have to go through Jaws to get here. Since legions of guards will start pouring into the 
complex after you defeat Jaws, you might find it easier to knock out all the drone guns from Point E 
on page 91. 




Take Out the Drone Guns First 

Guards will pour into the Aztec Complex the moment you deflea&Ja'vys, making your task of reprogramming the shuttle guidance sys- 
tem nearly impossible to complete. Luckily, there's a trick to reaching the shuttle hangar before you confront Jaws. You can accom- 
plish this task by foiling the deadly exhaust bay trap and knockin| out all the drone guns protecting the hangar. 


m ■ Before reprogramming the guidance 
" »• system, you'll need to get the Key 
Card tucked inside Jaws's pocket. But before 
you march off to fight this major monument 
to orthodontia, you should clear the guards 
from the Shuttle Hangar. Stand outside the 
exhaust bay door and blast the computers 
blocking the vents on the other side of the 
room. Run through the exhaust bay and 
clear out the hangar from point E on the 
map on page 91 . Next, defeat Jaws and use 
his Key Card on the door inside the Launch 
Guidance Center. Shut the door behind you 
before you use Q's disk on the computer. 

The guards are searching for you, so watch 
your back while you're uploading the data. 

Grab the DAT with the launch protocol and 
fight your way back to the Shuttle Hangar. 

Lure Jaws into chasing you around this 
circular stairway. Jaws will only shoot 
if he can aim in a straight line. The trick 
here is to shoot at Jaws from a diago- 
nal angle across the gap in the stairs. If 
you keep doing this, he won't be able to 
return fire. Continue running around the 
stairs until Jaws surrenders his Smart 
Card. At this point, legions of guards 
will begin pouring into the Aztec 
Complex, so you'll need to hurry in 
order to complete your mission. 


■ If you have uploaded Q's guidance data into the computer system and picked up the DAT inside the Launch Guidance 

m ■ Center, you're ready to launch the shuttle. Fighting your way back to the Shuttle Hangar won't be difficult if you cleared out 

M % the sentries before you defeated Jaws. The remaining guards are more of a nuisance than a threat. At the back of the Shuttle 
Hangar you'll find the computer mainframe. To load the DAT into the mainframe/you'll have to select and use the DAT the same 
way you would choose and fire a weapon. Since you'll be defenseless during the loading, make sure you turn around and clear the 
hangar of any charging guards. The launch sequence will begin after the tape is loaded, but the countdown will hold at ten seconds 
if the shuttle exhaust bay doors are closed. Return to the computer above the hangar to open the doors and watch the launch. 

1 . .. i wjjS 

The launch protocol data has been 


► * 



‘ r . - 



: 29 : 96 

You'll have to climb a ladder to 
reach this computer terminal 
perched high inside the Shuttle 
Hangar. This console controls the 
opening and closing of the shut- 
tle exhaust bay doors. Keep the 
exhaust bay doors closed until 
you've loaded the DAT containing 
the shuttle launch protocol onto 
to the hangar computer, then 
you're ready for blast off. 



This computer terminal, which is perched on a plat- 
form above the Shuttle Hangar, operates the 
exhaust bay doors. You must close the doors to 
reach the launch guidance center and reopen them 
to launch the shuttle. 



If you stand behind this vent 
grating, you can knock out 
the drone guns in the hangar 
without taking a hit. If you 
sprint through the exhaust 
bay, you can reach this spot 
without defeating Jaws. 

You'll find an inoperative computer mainframe 
inside the launch guidance center. This obsolete 
piece of junk is actually a hidden door leading to 
the exhaust bay. Activate the nearby console to 
open the door. Shoot away the computers 
blocking the exhaust bay vents to avoid the 
shuttle's test-fire trap. 

t u 

[dance IAi» 

Launch Guidance iQl 


Body Armor 

No matter which agent rank 
you're playing at, this Body 
Armor is the only protection 
you'll find in the entire com- 
plex. Knock out the pair of 
drone guns suspended over 
the narrow corridor or you'll 
use up your armor within a 
few seconds. 



p 2 


0 “ 







GoldenEye * 

1 ^. 

• -V 


* 9 1 

el-Saghira ^ 

V ' I * 



Scaramanga was vanquished when James Bond dueled The Man With the 
Golden Gun, but the whereabouts of the assassin's weapon has not been 
revealed-until now. MI6 has received a blood-spattered letter. Baron Samedi, a 
sorcerer Bond crossed machetes with in Live and Let Die, possesses the gun and 
has issued a challenge: A duel to the death among the tombs of the pharaohs. 


I have some unsettling news, 
007. Despite Solitaire’s eye- 
witness account that you dis- 
patched Baron Samedi, our Q 
Branch handwriting analy- 
sis machine has matched the 
scribbled blood on this letter 
with the voodoo master’s old 
Haitian income tax state- 
ments. This challenge was 
written by the same person. 
Scaramanga’s Golden Gun is 
tantalizing bait for a trap, 
but I’m certain that you will 
use discretion and extreme 
care in dealing with this 
matter. This cannot be an MI6 
operation, so I presume 
you’re here to request leave. 

A vacation to sunny 
el-Saghira, perhaps? 

If? | I 

fl‘ | I ‘ : : A 

Dark Passage 

The Egyptian Temple at el-Saghira is a,diarkand foreboding maze, packed with infinite 
guards and one resurrected voodoo; master. The. maze gets darker as you draw closer 
to the final confrontation with Samedi. It's easy to get caught up in all the tricks, traps 
and bewildering stone passageways,' but the less time you waste completing your 
objectives, the more the odds for survival* and success will tip in your favor. 


The Golden Gun inside Scaramanga's Shrine is pro- 
■ ■ tected by a puzzle. Finding the solution can be 
M % bewildering since you haven't encountered any 
other puzzles in the game. The trick is to step on the correct 
tiles leading to the Golden Gun. You can use trial and error 
to figure out the puzzle for yourself, or you can follow the 
path on the map inset below. Once you're standing in front 
of the Golden Gun case, the bulletproof glass will drop, and 
you'll be able to collect the gun and the bullets. Exit the 
room through the hidden door in the left wall. 

Scaramanga’s Shrine 

Temple 1st Floor 




10 - 

If you step on the wrong tile, 
Scaramanga's trap will acti- 
vate. Even if you destroy all 
four drone guns, you won’t be 
able to reach the Golden Gun. 

Save this Body Armor for last, 
because this is the final loca- 
tion where you'll encounter 
Samedi. It will probably be dark 
by the time you get here, so 
find the armor before you 
engage the enemy. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


Agent Secret Agent 00 Agent 

1 Recover the Golden Gun 

2 Defeat BfLron Samedi?.(Pag^94) 



The Golden Gun 

As the song says, "One golden shot means another poor vic- 
tim has come to a glittering end." The Golden Gun can neu- 
tralize any foe in the. game with a single bullet. 
Unfortunately, Baron Samedi has three times the lives as a 
normal person-four tifnes if you count your encounter with 
him on Haiti-and. you have but one life to give to your 
country. While Scarartianga's lethal weapon has made you 
the man with the Golden Gun> you., need to know where 
Samedi is waiting for you and how to get between the ren- 
dezvous points while sustaining minimal damage. 

If you run past the drone guns in this cor- 
ridor you won't sustain a single hit, but 
you may be delayed by guards wandering 
the long hallway. You can also take out 
the drone guns by climbing the stairs on 
the left side of the map and shooting 
down at them before they can turn 
around and return fire. Clearing out the 
drone guns does consume valuable 
time— something you won't have when 
the guards eventually close in on you. 

E3 defeat baron samedi? 

■K Baron Samedi's haunting laugh reverberates through the halls of the 
■ * ancient, stone temple. This massive structure was carved out by hands 
M that have long gone on to their final resting place. You'll soon be join- 
ing the ancients if you don't devise a plan for dispatching Samedi and dispelling 
his voodoo ways. To win, you'll have to defeat him at three different locations 
inside the temple. The Baron can be neutralized with normal weapons, but 
you'll have to replenish your ammunition at least a dozen times before the stage 
ends. The best method is to hit him with three bullets from Scaramanga's Golden 
Gun. Search for Samedi as soon as you exit the passageway leaving 
Scaramanga's Shrine. You'll find the Baron directly in front of you. Ignore the 
infinite guards and concentrate on taking out Samedi. As soon as the Baron 
is defeated, you'll hear his laughter emanating from the pool where you 
started the level. Return to the pool, defeat Samedi again, then run for the 
black obelisk in the lower left corner of the map. Grab the Body Armor 
next to the obelisk and finish the job with a final shot. Then sit back and 
watch the animation as Samedi's laughter echoes into oblivion. I □ 



After you defeat Samedi at the pool, you'll hear 
his laughter as the sunlight is blotted out by 
black clouds. While your visibility is limited, this 
shouldn't prevent you from making a run to the 
black obelisk and your final confrontation with 
the voodoo master. Ignore the infinite guards and 
concentrate on finishing the work you started. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

There are two hidden doors in the corner of 
the room where you meet Baron Samedi for 
the first time, but the upper door at the far 
end of the chamber is a one-way exit. There 
is no way to climb up into the door. This 
upper door can serve as an ambush location, 
but eventually the guards will hunt you 
down and take you out when you're not pay- 
ing attention to the long hallway behind you. 

Temple 1st Floor 

o oo 



I I 

G □ 

o o o o 

















Temple Basement 





r q 

i i 




Even if you trigger the trap in 
Scaramanga's Shrine, you can 
still make a run for the door at 
the side of the room and 
attempt to solve the tile puz- 
zle again. This handy escape 
route does have one drawback: 
sometimes a wandering guard 
will enter the room through 
this door. If the guard spots 
you, he'll charge toward your 
position and unwittingly 
activate the trap. 

Avoid the Guards 

All of the guards in this mission are 
here to slow and wear you down. 
Aside from a handful of ZMGs and 
endless ammunition, they have 
nothing to give you, and there will 
always be more sentries waiting to 
replace the ones you've eliminated. 
Concentrate on getting the Golden 
Gun and finishing off Samedi. If 
you finish this mission in under six 
minutes, you'll earn the All- 
Weapons Cheat Option. 

The Temple's water-filled basement is the safest 
route to take to the black obelisk. You won't find any 
guards here unless a random sentry has stumbled 
down the stairs. This underground passage is an 
ideal path if your Body Armor is wearing or your life 
is running out, but keep in mind that there may be a 
sentry or two waiting for you when you climb the 
stairs back up to the surface. 

mump FROM PAGE 93 




el Sagliira 


DATA >' 

As you would expect in a game devoted to spies and covert operations 
GoldenEye is filled with secrets. Some of the secret Cheat OpEforts are 
just for fun, but others give you awesome abilities. Once you earn a 
Cheat Option, a Cheat Menu will appear at the beginning when you 
enter the Cheat Mode game files. 


When you complete a stage in GoldenEye within a target 
time and at a specific agent level, you'll earn a special Cheat 
Option that appears on the Cheat Menu. The special options 
include fun stuff like the big-headed enemies in DK Mode or 
the god-like powers of Invincibility. Beating most target 
times won't be easy. The chart below lists the stages, agent 
levels and target times for each Cheat Option. 

Paint Ball I i Double Hunting Knives 

AGENT (Easy) SECRET AGENT (Medium) 00 AGENT (Hard) 



Paint Ball 2:40 





Invincible 2:05 


DK Mode 5:00 





Double Grenade Launchers 3:30 





Double Rocket Launchers 4:00 


Fast Mode 3:00 





No Radar (MULTI) 4:30 


Surface 2 



Tiny Bond 4:15 

Bunker 2 

Double Throwing Knives 1 :30 



Statue Park 


Fast Animation 3:15 





Invisible 1:20 


All Enemies w/Rockets 1 :45 





Slow Animation 1 :40 





Silver PP7 5:25 


Double Hunting Knives 3:45 





Infinite Ammo 10:00 





Double RC-P90S 9:30 


Gold PP7 2:15* 



Aztec Complex 


Double Lasers 9:00** 


Egyptian Temple 



All Guns 6:00*** 

*Cougar Magnum if over 2:15 **Single Laser if over 9:00 

***Golden Gun if over 6:00 

Nintendo Player s Guide 

This is where the real down-and-dirty business of covert opera- 
tions begins. It’s just you and one, two or three other agents running 
loose in a maze and armed to the teeth. Who lives, who dies, who 
stabs who in whose back-it’s all up to you. Long after you’ve mas- 
tered the intricacies of the Mission Mode of GoldenEye, you’ll still 
be learning, playing and loving the Multiplayer Mode, which we 
fondly call Live And Let Die. 


Live And Let Die 



Unlike most multiplayer games, GoldenEye gives you not one but an almost 
endless number of ways in which to triumph gloriously over hapless 
friends. Your options include a variety of scenario rules for determining the 
winner, eleven mazes, lots of weapons and eight GoldenEye characters. 


From two to four players can mix it up in 
Live And Let Die Mode, stalking each 
other through new versions of stages 
from the Mission Mode. Each player can 
choose his or her own character and 
handicap. You can team up against other 
players or go at it solo. Either way, Live 
And Let Die Mode is fast-paced, intense 
action that never gets old. 


Live And Let Die matches aren't just the 
simple hunt-and-kill death matches like 
those found in many games. Each 
GoldenEye scenario changes the rules of 
engagement and the strategies needed for 
winning or playing the game. Since you 
can customize other elements of the 
match, such as the type of weapons used, 
the variety becomes almost endless. In 
addition to the differences in rules found 
in the scenarios, you can play team 
matches, as well. 


In the standard mode, players try to score the most points within a set 
time limit or be the first to reach a certain number of victories. You can set 
the time and point totals to be five, ten, or 20 minutes or points. 




One shot is all a real 00 Agent needs, and that's all it takes if you have the 
Golden Gun. In this scenario, one Golden Gun has been placed in the arena. 
If you don't have it, someone else probably does. 


The ultimate challenge can be found in License To Kill, in which every hit 
results in a victory-or a defeat if you're on the receiving end. Staying alive 
in this scenario is almost impossible. 


In this mode the idea is to find the flag and hold on to it for as long as possi- 
ble. The player who holds it longest wins. The downside is that you can't 
hold a weapon while holding the flag. 

There are three team modes for three- and four-player matches: 2 vs. 2, 3 
vs. 1, and 2 vs. 1. Only the very best agents will be able to go two-on-one or 
three-on-one and win. 

One life for your dreams and one life to live doesn't leave much of a margin 
for error. In this scenario, each player has just two lives to give to his or 
her country, and the last person alive wins. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


In this option, you get to choose the stage 
or setting of the upcoming battle. The 
eleven areas are the Temple, the Complex, 
the Caves, the Library, the Library Base- 
ment, the Library Stacks, the Facility, the 
Bunker, the Archives, the Caverns, and the 
Egyptian Temple. Some of these areas, like 
the Caves and the Complex, aren't even in 
the Mission Mode. 










If you choose the Random setting, the computer 
selects one of the available areas at random for the 
ensuing fight. 

These six multiplayer battlefields are always available, 
whether you've played any of the Mission Mode or not. 
Even though several of the maps are based on mission 
maps, such as the Library, which is based on the Archives 
in the Mission Mode, you'll find many differences 
between Mission and multiplayer areas. Some maps, 
such as the Caves and Complex, were designed just for 
Live And Let Die Mode. 

These final five areas become accessible only after you 
play the corresponding stage in the Mission Mode. Once 
again, you'll find substantial differences between most 
of the Mission and multiplayer version maps, although 
some, like the Bunker, haven't changed much. 



Sdod Chmct 


| Rvaslan Common 



If you've ever 
wondered how 
other people 
see you, you'll 
never have to 
wonder again. 

You can be any 
one of eight 
characters from the GoldenEye Mission 
Mode, including James Bond, Natalya, 
Trevelyan, Xenia, General Ourumov, 
Boris, Valentin or Defense Minister 
Mishkin. They all have the same abilities 
in the Live And Let Die Mode, but when 
you meet your fellow players in the halls, 
they'll look just like the characters from 
the game. 


You can set the length of a match in the nor- 
mal scenario, The Living Daylights, The Man 
With the Golden Gun and License To Kill. 
Game lengths can be set at five, ten, and 20 
minutes of Unlimited for a true marathon 
session. In many scenarios, you can also set 
the number of points needed to win. 


IL 1 

i : 


Sdod Ctifjclor 


1 Rvaslan Commandant 

Russian Commandant 



Once you finish the game on Agent I 
level or above, you'll get extra charac- 
ters to use in the Live And Let Die I 
Mode. Twenty-five new characters 
appear in all, giving you an overall I 
choice of 33 characters. In addition to I 
characters that you encounter I 
throughout the game, you'll find char- 
acters from Bond movies other than 
GoldenEye. How would you like to 
play as the giant. Jaws, or as the mys- 
tical voodoo sorcerer Baron Samedi | 
from Live And Let Die? 


9Tff pttv OATI 


Nothing changes the nature of a multiplayer game quite as 
much as the choice of weapons you select. In the case of 
some selected weapons, such as Throwing Knives or 
Slappers, the entire match is played out with just that one 
type of attack available to all players. But when you choose 
a specialty weapon like the Laser or Remote Mines, you'll 
find those weapons in just a few special locations, while 
you'll find more conventional weapons elsewhere. In addi- 
tion to finding weapons, you can take them from defeated 
opponents. Finding Body Armor can have an even more dra- 
matic impact on your success, and Body Armor always 
appears in the same locations. Learn the stages and item 
locations for a huge advantage. 


When a special selected 
weapon has been chosen, that 
weapon may give players a big 
advantage in the arms race, but 
other weapons also will appear. 
A well placed bullet from a PP7 
can be just as effective as a 
burst of Laser fire. Ammo and 
weapons will be found through- 
out the mazes in quantities 
great enough to supply a small 
army, so you should seldom have 
to resort to karate chops, also 
known as slappers. Remember 
to pick up weapons from 
defeated opponents. 

Talk about overkill. One well-directed 
rocket is about all an opponent can 
take. Unfortunately, you can carry only 
a few extra rockets. 


Scaramanga may have the names 
of his victim printed on the golden 
bullets, but you'll have to live with 
being able to finish off anyone 
with a single shot. 

In the handgun category, you can pick 
up the DD44 Dostovei, a silenced PP7, 
and a Cougar Magnum with its unique, 
hard-hitting bullets. Accuracy wins 
the day. 


Your choice of weapons will include 
the Klobb and DK5 Deutsche along 
with assorted lesser weapons. Be 
sure to grab gobs of ammo. 


The only reason to use Sniper Rifles 
is to hit targets at long range. In 
some mazes, the angles are so 
restrictive that using these weapons 
can be a liability. 


If you know an area's geography well, 
using remote mines can be very effec- 
tive. Place the mines in a high traffic 
area, then activate them at a distance. 


Tricky. Very tricky. Once you plant 
mines, you have about three seconds 
to evacuate the area while hoping that 
an enemy comes into range. 

The Moonraker Laser can fire an end- 
less number of shots in rapid succes- 
sion. It's great for leaving messages on 
walls or tattooing your enemies. 


Forget about weapons. Slappers-also 
known as your own two hands-are 
the only means of offense in this 


Throwing Knives and nothing but 
Throwing Knives is what you get in 
this embarrassingly brutal mode. 
You need to be close and accurate 
to be effective. 


Who has the biggest gun of all? The 
automatic shotgun is nice, but opt for 
the RC-P90 any day. This rapid fire 
monster holds 80 rounds in a clip. 

Grenades require patience and accura- 
cy. These are great weapons to use in 
ambush situations when you look 
down on opponents, or when they 
run into deadends. 


All the fun of exploding grenades but 
with the added benefit of being able 
to shoot them at a distance. Like 
rockets, you can carry only limited 
rounds of ammo. 


These mines are triggered by people 
coming within a short distance of 
them— the ultimate ambush weapon, 
because you don't have to be any- 
where nearby. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 



Any time you can target an opponent and get a hit without 
exposing yourself to return fire, you'll have an advantage. In 
many of the multiplayer areas, you'll find ledges, ramps and 
open lofts from which you can spy on opponents, take aim at 
leisure and defeat them in relative safety. Of course, if you can 
hit them, they can probably hit you, too. Sniping from an 
upper or lower level is not a foolproof strategy. 

Look-through areas allow players to see opponents on upper or lower 
ledges or floors. You'll have a huge advantage if you stake out such sites 
and wait for the little flies to be snared in your diabolical web. 


There are three major considerations for any location in 
multiplayer mode. First, how good is your line of sight? Can 
you see all entry points so that you can take the first shot? The 
second priority is having an avenue of escape. The final 
consideration is hiding. You can hide in the shadows and 
around corners, and in some areas you can walk through 
metal grates, becoming invisible to players who are on the 
other side. 

Four players have stum- 
bled into the same room, 
but it's likely that only one 
will leave safely. The play- 
er in the lower, right-hand 
corner has the best view 
of all the other players, 
plus he has an easy escape 
route he can back into 
quickly. Each of the other 
players has at least one 
blind spot or a limited 
escape route. 


Shaded areas indicate ledges or walk- 
ways above a main floor. These areas 
may be ideal for ambushing unwary 
opponents on the floor below. 







Look-through areas have been noted on the 
multiplayer maps with numerals indicating 
where the line of sight exists on both levels. 
A numeral 2 on a higher level will be within 
sight of a numeral 2 on a lower level. The file 
entry will describe special tactics that can be 
used in some of these areas. 

There is only one Golden Gun per arena, and 
its location is noted on each map. If you're in a 
non-Golden Gun match, the it will be replaced 
with the Selected Weapon chosen for the 
scenario. Any nearby ammo caches will 
always contain cartridges that can be used 
with the available weapon. 


The number of golden Bonds indicates 
how good an area is as an ambush spot. 
One Bond means the site is pretty good 
while three Bonds means it's a great 
place to wait. 


Like the Golden Gun, the flag in The Living 
Daylights scenario is always in the same 
place in the beginning. That location is shown 
on each area map. 


Iiive And Iiet Die 


LIVE -♦ 
V DIE c 

'/• i O 

The Temple is a favorite of novices and veterans. Its wide rooms and pas- 
sages give you lots of maneuvering room, but there isn't much cover, and 
it can he difficult to see opponents at the far sides of the large chambers. 

Wide Open Spaces 

The Temple's ,ppen spaces make Basement 

it relatively easy to spot and tar- 
get your opponents, but just 
remember that, if you ) can see 
them, they can see, you. If you're 
caught out in the open, lun at an 
angle or%i a serpentine pattern to 
throw off your, opponent's aim. 

Remember that you normally aim 
downward slightly, so if you're 
trying to hit a target at the other 
end of a large chamber, tip the 
end of your weapon up just a bit. 


If you crouch in this corner, you can 
cover most of the basement 
(including the weapon and ammo 
caches) and two of the major pas- 
sages leading into the basement 
quite easily. Anyone coming down 
the slope from door C would be 
especially vulnerable, and it would 
be difficult for an opponent to 
dodge, retreat or return fire with- 
out taking at least a few hits. 

Golden Gun 

This hall leads to the only Body Armor in the 
Temple, so you can expect at least some action 
around here. If you collect the armor yourself, 
you can wait in the shadows to ambush the 
next person who comes along, but you won't be 
able to dodge any return fire. A better strategy 
might be to collect the armor and then leave a 
mine or two in the shadows as a gift to your 
fellow combatants. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

From this vantage point, anyone trying to enter or leave the 
basement will have to cross your line of fire, if only for a 
moment. Players often forget that this look-through is 
here, and since an opponent's radar will show that you're on 
a different level, he or she may not be on guard for an 
ambush. Just don't allow yourself to be distracted by the 
view down below, though. Someone could easily hide in the 
deep shadows off to your left and get the drop on you. 

This junction is arguably the best 
ambush spot in the Temple. Just 
be sure to close the door to your 
left before you settle in. If some- 
one is foolish enough to open the 
door, you can shoot him or her in 
the kneecaps. Because of the 
extreme angle, anyone coming 
around the corner to your left will 
have to step into full view before 
he or she can target you. You'd 
also have a pretty fair advantage 
over anyone coming up the steep 
slope to your right. 




OJ 0 





Many players just stand at the edge of the look- 
through and shoot, but there are sneakier strategies. 

If you're on the first floor, use the radar to gauge your 
opponent's position and lob mines, grenades or rockets 
through the hole from a distance. If you're in the base- 
ment, you can also lob explosives through the hole, 
but a better ploy would be to plant mines on or shoot 
rockets at the ceiling. The explosions will penetrate 
the ceiling and tag your pursuer from below. 


- DIE C 

W W *'" 


You'll probably spend a lot of time looking over tlieir shoulder. It's difficult 
to tell from the radar if someone is on the same or a different level from you, 
and you'll often charge around a corner to find. ..nothing! 

Guessing Game 

The Complex has such low — 
ceilings that it will be diffi- 
cult to tell from your radar if 
an enemy is above, below or 
on the same level as you. If 
you're not sure, just assume 
that your opponent really is 
afourid the next corner. With 
its winding corridors, tight 
corners and long, exposed 
walkways, the Complex can 
also be a "miner's" paradise. 
Remember that you can 
plant mines on the ceiling to 
hit someone above you, and 
you can also plant them on 
the floor to target someone 
on the level below you. 

Golden Gun 

Many agents like to go up ramp I 
and use the look-through above. 
If anyone comes to knock you 
off your perch, you'll have the 
advantage. If you're at the top of 
the ramp, you'll aim downward 
automatically at a perfect angle 
to guard the ramp. If you're down 
below, your aim won't adjust 
automatically until you’re 
through the grate, so you'll have 
to adjust it manually. 

Combatants often charge into the alcove across from this air 
duct, only to find that it's a dead end. You can't be seen if you're 
far enough back, but you'll be able to target your quarry easily. If 
you go to the other end of the air duct, you can target several 
major intersections and plant mines underneath a walkway. 

□ * 



□ [ 







a L 


B B 



i an* 

Most agents won't think to check this cor- 
ner for a camouflaged alcove. If you stand 
back far enough in it, even if a foe sees you 
on radar, he or she may think you're in anoth- 
er room and not a threat. Well, surprise! 

Nintendo Player's Guide 



V* I *v 

The Caves seem more complex than they really are bejcause it's so easy to 
get turned around in the shadows. There are lots of look-through points, 
and whoever holds the high ground will hold a definite advantage. 

Uphill Battle 

If you like proximity mines, then you'll 
love the Caves. There are lots of shad- 
owy passages |n which to hide mines, 
and opponents, won't see them even at 
close raffle. (|omba'f^its with dark 
clothing will also find this a 
parti, culariyiriendl^hvfronment. The 
lack of elearly defined jfbors or levels 
is confusing, and the'j’steep angles on 
the ramps ana fpok-th rough points 
give the advantage to anyone on the 
upper levels. Practice running and 
shooting uphill simultaneously. The 
auto-aim function does not work well 
on an uphill target, so you'll have to 
aim manually. 

This corner is off the beaten path, so if you appear 
here after being defeated, you might actually have ; 
few seconds to gather your wits before someone 
shows up. Grab the weapon and ammo and back up 
against the wall. The shadows will provide some 
camouflage, and you'll have a good line on anyone 
coming to grab the goodies. The auto-aim feature 
won't work well on any target near or beyond the 
rock formation ahead of you, so watch 
for movement. 

Look-through 3 gives you a perfect position to cover the 
entrance to this small chamber. Just crouch and point your 
gun at a spot just inside the entrance opposite. If someone 
walks in, your gun will automatically track your foe almost 
anywhere in the chamber without your even touching the 
Control Stick— just pull the trigger! 


B | 204 


Look-through 2 poses some intriguing pos- 
sibilities. The southeast ledge is easily 
defended and is probably the best vantage 
point. From there, you have a good angle on 
the intersection below, on the path heading 
north and on the ledge across the 
way. The northeast ledge is 
brightly lit, exposing anyone who 
tries to collect the Body Armor. 

On the other hand, this ledge does 
allow you to cover much of the 
lower passage heading east. You'll 
just have to keep an eye on your 
radar to make sure that no one 
sneaks up on you. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

Look-through 5 is an ambush spot that, despite 
its many opportunities, often goes unused. If 
you stand in the shadows opposite the top of 
the ramp, you can cover the ramp, the two 
ammo caches to your left and the Body Armor 
to your right. Unless you're wearing light- 
colored clothing, your foes won't even know 
what hit them. 

Stand between the second and third pillars on this ramp. 
You'll have a good view of most of the room below, includ- 
ing the starting point in the alcove across the way. You'll be 
able to tag anyone coming from either entrance, and, if you 
want to be very unsporting, you can shoot unarmed com- 
batants as they pop back into existence. In addition, most 
combatants will assume that the slope in front of you is 
too steep to climb, so they will try to swing around to your 
right and come up the ramp. In fact, you can run up and 
down the slope quite easily. You'll be able to jump down, 
swing around and catch your opponents from behind! 

Golden Gun 

This ambush spot is one of the most unsporting in the game. From this vantage 
point, you can cover the bottom of a ramp and a well-lit passage to the north, 
as well as two ammo boxes and a starting point to the east and southeast. 
Chances are that if an opponent pops into existence at the starting point, he or 
she will be facing the wall. Even if your hapless foe survives the initial assault 
and manages to get his or 
her bearings, the closest 
available weapon will be 
right next to your posi- 
tion, and the only escape 
routes will be directly in 
your line of fire. Brutal! 


f f f ? r 


The Stacks will accommodate almost any group of vfreapons and lots' of 
different strategies. With all the secret passages, a fleet-footed agent can 
run rings around the competition before they realize what's happening. 

One Arena Or Two? 

The Library is actually made up of two areas: the Stacks (the uppeedwo floors) and the Basement. If you select either the Stacks or 
the Basement for your match, the other area will not be open tb you. j Kvau choose the Library, you'll be able to move freely between 
the two areas. More than any other area except perhaps thd’lfeality, tne Library Stacks favor those who keep moving, who are very 
good at weaving around blind corners, and who are quick on tfte-rafaw. 

Stacks 2nd Floor 


Golden Gnn 

- 4 — 


If you're tired of chasing rogue agents around the 
Stacks, cool your heels on the upper walkway at 
look-through 1. Agents trying to use the "back 
roads" to circle around the perimeter of the 
Library will often pass right below you from right 
to left or left to right. Most people tend to forget 
that there's a look-through here, and since the 
radar will show that you're on another level, they 
won't even think to look up. The room below has a 
starting point right out in the open, and it's also a 
major thoroughfare for people going to or coming 
from the Basement via ramp C. 



This ambush spot is particularly nasty. If 
you stand in this corner, you'll be able to 
cover all of the upper entrances and most 
of the gallery below. You can lob mines, 
grenades or rockets at the entrance to 
the secret passage as soon as you see 
it begin to open. If you don't have any 
explosives, just wait until your 
opponent is well into the room before 
opening up. That way, he or she will be 
far from any cover. There's also a 
starting point beneath the walkway to 
your left. Leave a proximity mine on the 
walkway above it as insurance against 
any unexpected visitors. In fact, if you 
plan to stay a while, plant proximity 
mines above all of the entrances. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

Stacks 1st Floor 


T9 | 


Here's another ambush spot that's easily defended. You'll have a 
good view of both secret passages as well as the ramp to the 
Basement. You can plant proximity mines on your side of the doors 
and just wait for the fireworks. If you want to get really creative, 
plant a remote mine (a proximity mine may not work) ahead of time 
on the wall directly above ramp C. It will be out of sight to anyone 
coming upstairs. If you know someone 
is coming from the Basement toward 
ramp C, show yourself and try to lure 
him or her up the ramp. If he or she is 
reluctant to follow you too closely, 
duck into the passage opposite the 
ramp. When your opponent tries to 
come upstairs, blow the mine. 

you'll be here to make them pay a heavy toll. The 
passage runs long in both directions, and if some- 
one tries to launch an explosive your way, you can 
try to detonate it with gunfire before it reaches 
you. The grate to your left is right in line with a 
weapon cache in the Basement. You won't be able 
to see your target very well, so you'll have to 
trust your radar. Someone in the Basement may 
not be expecting an assault from above, and, with 
luck, he or she will be too surprised and confused 
to move out of the line of fire. On the other hand, a 
clever opponent may try to target your ambush 
spot from below. 


Look-through 2 is dangerous whether 
you're in the Stacks or in the Basement. 

The grate is between a popular weapon and 
ammo cache in the Basement and one of 
the main routes to and from ramp C in the 
Stacks. If you just wait here, someone is 
bound to cross above or below you. If you're 
in the Basement, you have the advantage of 
being in a large room and being able to dodge 
out of the line of fire. Your victim on the 
first floor will be stuck in a narrow passage. 

If you're using only the Basement area, this is one of the better spots to hang your hat. 
Position yourself in the center of the hall with your back to the gate. Aim your gun straight 
down the center of the corridor and crouch. Now if anyone tries to peek around the corner 
to your right or around one of the pillars at the end of the corridor, your gun will track your 
opponent perfectly without your having to touch the Control Stick. Another tactic is to 
stand right at the intersection and look down the corridor toward the Body Armor. Besides 
the fact that the armor is a very desirable item, it also marks the center of the maze, and 
someone is bound to come through that intersection sooner or later. Grenades and mines 
won't reach from one end of the hall to the other, but rockets will! 

■ AND LET ■ ■ 

• wwwwwww 

Despite the fact that the Basement is not very big, it is jometimes 'frery ($sy 
to get lost in it because so much of it looks the same. Jushkeep in mind tiiat 
the Body Armor is at the very center of the ma/eJ ! 

Grate Disaster 

If you're using the entire Library com- 
plex, remember that you don't have to 
move up to the Stacks or down to the 
Basement to confront your opponents. 
There are grates you can shoot 
through, andmianylpf the %ger rooms 
above andjfbelow overlap making it 
easy to lay booby traps on ceilings and 
floors with nfines. If lyou'renimited to 
the Basement use' the pillars and 
alcoves for cover as rtjiuch as possible, 
but beware of mines planted on pillars 
near weapon and ammo caches. Space 
is tight, so get used to maneuvering in 
close quarters. Sidestepping is essen- 
tial to your survival. 

There's a grate above this weapon cache that leads through 
the ceiling and into the first floor of the Stacks. (Check the 
map on page 109 for look-through 5 to see where the grate 
leads.) You can wait here and watch your radar for anyone 
passing overhead. The alcoves that line this hallway are also 
prime mine-laying territory. If you know someone is coming 
from a certain direction, plant the mines on walls facing the 
opposite direction, so your opponent won't spot them. 

Like look-through 5 around the corner, look-through 4 leads 
into a corridor in the Stacks above you. The corridor above is 
not very wide, so spray the entire grate with gunfire. You may 
not be able to see your target, but with luck, you'll score a 
few significant hits. Don't be too distracted by what's going 
on above you, though. You're vulnerable to attack from the 
side, and it wouldn't be hard for someone to come along either 
passage and take you by surprise. 


Nintendo Player's Guide 


If you're using the Basement area only, this position is 
easily defended. With your back to the locked gate, 
the auto-aim function will serve you well yet again. 
The trouble may come in luring opponents to this 
spot, since the risk in challenging you here is obvious. 
If your opponents are wary, you may just end up being 
very lonely. 





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Golden Gun 

□ □ □ □ 


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=^EE=^g 4, 

u □ a □ □ 



□ □ □ □ 

This is the same look-through we discussed on 
page 109. The shooter in the Basement has a big 
advantage at being able to dodge to one side or 
another, while the victim above is stuck in a nar- 
row passageway. You should wait until your oppo- 
nent is in the center of the passage before you 
open fire. That way, he or she will have to strug- 
gle to the end of corridor to reach safety. If you 
want to be especially cruel, line the length of the 
grate with mines. 


Explosive Consequences 

You'll spend a lot of time on the Walkways, so if you want to cause a lot of 
grief, find a spot where they run paralfelj one above the other. Lay a string of 
mines fairly close together hl'neath-|he upper walkway. This way, the explo- 
sions will engulf both level* DetgnateThe mines all at once or shoot the last 
one in line and watch thfrr^xplode^one by one. If you lay mines on the 
floor of the upper level, the ptolosiogs won't always reach the lower level. 

This ambush spot affords you a view of both the upper and the 
lower walkways, and anyone coming up stairway A will be a sitting 
duck. You'll also be right next to the only starting point on the west 
side of the Caverns. The chamber behind you is a dead end, so if you 
make sure it's clear before 
you set up shop, you won't 
have to worry about being 
ambushed from behind. It's 
crammed with weapons 
and ammo, too, so if you're 
running low, you can dash in 
and stock up. 

There's a dark, narrow tunnel that connects this cavern with the pump 
control room. Hide in the shadows at the tunnel entrance and smack 
anyone who tries to come into the cavern from the walkway. You can 
wait for your target to get to the center of the chamber and then blow 
up the oil drum that's sitting 
there. The drum regenerates, 
so you'll be able to pull this 
trick more than once— if your 
adversaries are gullible 
enough to fall for it, that is. 

Just watch your radar and be 
careful that someone doesn't 
sneak up on you from the 
other end of the tunnel. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 

Water Caverns 

It's a dirty ploy, but from here, you can 
cover the ammo cache and the starting 
point down thetunnel. At this distance, 
you won't be able to see your prey, but 
your radar will tell you when someone 
is in range. The effective range of most 
of your handguns and rifles is just a bit 
more than the length of the tunnel. 

Bait someone into charging you by 
running forward a bit, firing, and then 
retreating into the chamber behind you. 

It will be tough to make out your targets at this 
distance, but you can hit opponents on the upper 
walkway from these windows. It's too far for 
mines, grenades or even grenade launchers, but 
anynormal gun and the rocket launcher will do 
nicely. Most combatants won't expect an attack 
from this direction, concentrating instead on 
what's directly in front of them and directly 
behind themon the walkway itself. Their radar 
screens will show that you're far off to the side 
somewhere, not lurking near the door in front of 
them, and thus, not a threat-or so they think! 









^ DIE C 

v7 I • o 

m ^ W W' 


The Facility is a small arena, making for quick innings, especially in License 
To Kill Mode. No matter how many combatants there are, if you're 
defeated, always assume that you'll reappear right next to an adversary. 

Run For Your Life 

The watchword in the Facility is speed. You 
should expect that a t die tim e or another, you'll 
pop up at a stai^fS^nf to firid yourself staring 
down the barrel ft a gun| If no weapon is close by, 
go for the nearest door . If y^u,-. manage to escape 
through it, always turn Mid closg it behind you. 
You may think it%r wast^of ti|iii'e, but closing the 
door will delay pursuit^apd^your opponent will 
lose sight of you, perhaps |iving you time to grab 
a weapon or set up an ambush. 

Golden Gun- 







If you begin in the air duct, just hope that 
no one realizes where you are and comes 
running. If you're cornered, jump into a 
stall, slam the door and crouch. If the door 
opens, you'll at least have a chance to 
dodge and scoot away or chop at your 
pursuer's knees. If you're in License To Kill 
mode, one chop is all you'll need! 

One of the best tactics is to constant- 
ly run around these halls near the Body 
Armor. Run as fast as you can, barge 
through the doors, run up and down 
both staircases and change directions 
often. An opponent's instinctive reac- 
tion often will be to chase after you. 
This gives you control of the situation, 
and by being unpredictable, you can 
keep your opponent guessing and off- 
balance. Once your foe is caught up in 
the chase, you can switch directions 
and attack suddenly, catching him or 
her by surprise. Of course, being able 
to grab the Body Armor now and again 
will be a big bonus, too. You'll be named 
"Most Frantic" for sure! 

If you start on this end of the 
Facility, grab the armor before you 
charge into the main area. If you're 
being pursued, jump in and close 
the door. Your opponent will have 
to decide if opening the door is 
worth the risk. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 


The Bunker is well-suited to three- and four-playei challenges. Des'pite its 
size, the Bunker has a floor plan that is easy to remember, and it is bright- 
ly lit, making it a good place to train novice agents. 

Diagonal Death 

If you see ■ 
right on 
stand to < 
nally beford 
stand at»i 
to fire 
nent's dii 
drop on your opponent! 

that an enemy is 
double door, 
the door diago- 
lost combatants 
iorway, hoping 
e door opens, 
of your oppo- 
you'll have the 

This small alcove at the bottom 
of the stairs is one of the most 
strategic spots in the Bunker. 
From here, you can target oppo- 
nents on the raised platform all 
the way across the control 
room, and if you face the other 
way, your gun can track and hit 
targets anywhere along the 
hall, even someone just rounding 
the corner at the very far end! 
Just stand with your back to 
the wall and face down the hall. 
If a bright yellow blip hits the 12 
o'clock position on your radar 
screen, give 'em both barrels! 

Most agents don't realize that there 
is a rather large open area outside the 
Bunker in this mode. Few people think 
to come out here, since there are no 
weapons and ammo caches to be had, 
but it would make a great arena for an 
old-fashioned, Wild West-style 
shoot-out. Cougar Magnums at 10 
paces, perhaps? Or would you prefer 
something a little more aggressive, 
say, rocket launchers? 


■AND LET* ■ 


The Archives is another small arena best suited to two-player challenges; 
that is, unless you don't mind having a huge body count! There are lots of 
highly flammable crates, so be careful where you take coyer. 

Archives 1st Floor 

Brute Force 

The action tends to be fast and 
furious in the Archives. As in 
the Comple^ it's often hard to 
tell from theradac screen when 


area j%st adds^to the^tension. 
It's no surprise, then, 'that brute 
force takes precedence over 
finesse. Curiously, explosions 
don't always penetrate through 
the floors and ceilings, so 
you'll just have to get in your 
opponents' faces. 

Weary agents sometimes take refuge in 
this room, and it's also one of the starting 
points. If someone corners you in here, duck behind the door. An assailant will have 
to come all the way around to shoot you. If you're the one barging in, don't just 
stand in front of the door when you open it. Stand to the left of the door and then 
sweep from left to right, firing in an arc as you go. 

Nintendo Player's Guide 



AND LET ■ * 

There's lots of cover here-almost too much, in fact! The pillars will often 
interfere with your line of sight and force you to take the battle up close and 
personal. Once again, you'll have to trust your radar and your instincts. 

Pyramid Peril 

The upper and lower routes are rather roundabout, but 
they can be useful for Outflanking your opponents. 

Some particularly nasty-'agenfs^have been known to run 
along the upper western romdjaJfflssing grenades or 

i ,u ; JU— f .. If Egypt 1st Floor 

mines down the crates at ythe Lower pathway. If you 

don't center your thrcW ; _.perfectly, the explosive may 
bounce back and go off in your face. 

Golden Gun 







O O 

The chutes look steep, but you 
can run up and down them easily 
for a surprise ambush or a quick 
getaway. Another tactic is to run 
sideways along one of the paths, 
parallel to your opponent above . 
or below, and fire your gun as you 
go. You won't deal as much dam- 
age as you might with an explo- 
sive, but you won't have the rico- J 
chet problem, either. 



□ 1 

? 1 ! 




® © Q! 




This is the only large, open space in the 
entire stage. Clever foes aren't liable to 
just waltz into any old trap, but you can 
try to seed the floor with mines. Even if 
no one falls for that trick, it may give 
your enemies pause and make them 
retreat. You can then head to the look- 
through to the west and set up an 
ambush or jump back down to the main 
floor and outflank your foes. 

Agents often stumble into this 
room thinking the pillars will pro- 
tect them from any long-range 
sniping. If you stand here, how- 
ever, you'll be able to cover both 
the north and west entrances 
to this chamber, as well as the 
starting point to the northwest. 
Anyone popping up at that 
starting point will naturally go 
for the nearby weapon and 
ammo and will likely cross your 
line of fire several times. 

Egypt Basement 



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R p ©1997 DANJAQ. UC ANT™ 

IMmw Shooting Around The /Wisrii 


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4. ETRoAtoT S, 6/*V c 

*""v i ;■ 9 !\ 

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Thanks goes out to all the people who make this possible. 
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